Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Journey . . . . . . . where destination was not the aim..

This is a simple work of fun, with no offence or disregard for any character mentioned here.

this is my story when I was struggling with my higher-secondary course with the five best persons in my life……it was a short journey of two years that had an unavoidable effect on the rest of our lives………a journey that we were sure to end but never intended to………!

the very 1st day!..

It was the 1st day of July ’05 ………the beginning of my class xi …and my school after three long months..!!!..It was naturally exciting...& I also felt a bit nervous..!!!!!

My school was the same old one ----------- that huge familiar ‘blue-n-black’ building with no playground..!!....but my uniform was different this time……wearing a white knee-length skirt & a white shirt having brown stripes..,I entered my school which have been my 2nd home since kinder-garden. Old faces were there & some new ones mingled with them…..I approached them….my heartbeats conscious of a new start of my career & …life..!!

We were welcomed by our seniors with flowers..and good wishes…….songs were sung..!..I tended to have visions……. “..Food packets & cold drinks given….”as I heard happening in other schools …but no!.nothing of that sort happened !...we were not given any treats!!!!..but I did not even feel a tinge of anger !
Confused and nervous, as I was, I was following everything without a word…my innocence grasping every of the “welcome ceremony” without any complaints!

We were guided to our new classroom where we spent the most precious two years of class xi & xii……..
This classroom is the first thing that needs to be described!.......It was a school-hall ( as you cal it ) ; with a door-like partition in the middle that could be wide-opened & closed as and when required……one side of the partition was the room for the students of class-xi and the other side was for class-xii.!.we used to ‘push n pull’ that partition causing it to bulge this way & that way , every now & then!!....this was kind of fun... and it only stopped with a scold from the teachers!!!!!...

Entering the “Science section” to which I was admitted, I saw my three old buddies ---- Nikita, Susan & Anjali....sitting pretty ! Instant cheers followed…...we were together again and...We couldn’t help the hugs & laughters!..two faces -----that of Richa’s & Vishakha’s were also missed simultananeously…..…this whole lot of us were a real ‘fun-group’ till class-x!....we immediately rushed to meet Richa & Vishakha who were there in the ‘Commerce section’ …….& once again , it felt just like those old sweet times..!

hello there,,,,

Me, Nikita, Anjali & Susan were seated in the last bench , on the first day of class-xi…..we were usually the ‘ last-benchers’…….we were ‘rocking’ ..& .. ‘mocking’……we imitated our teachers ..our class-mates..even ourselves…..we were fun..& we enjoyed it in our own style!!
Happy & smiling (..an advertisement of our teeth was a regular show!..), we were fiercely unknown of the devils that awaited us,…hidden in our books!

It was one such fine day , that Hema, who got a bit closer to me during last year , decided to join our group with her friend, Gunjan……& within a few days we formed a nice group of six…SUPER SIX !!..I bet!-----me, Nikita, Susan, Anjali, & the two new ones…Hema & Gunjan..!!!

☺NIKITA ……….whom we dearly call “NIKY” (this name was introduced by me in class-v when she used to be a miserable small girl & I enjoyed making fun of her all the time!)…was the fattest & the cutest girl of our group. She was a fair and short-heighted girl, with a round face, brown hair & squirrel-like teeth……she was sweet and she was too worried being ‘fat’!...she was ‘little’ yet a true matured ( sometimes even motherly ) friend of ours, with a strange habit of kicking Anjali !!

☻ANJALI……….was this sweet shy girl whom you always want have in your next-door!.....Her name was lovingly turned to ‘ANU’!...she had a black complexion, a broad-hearty smile, long hair & her patent hair-style was a ‘binuni’( as we call it in Bengali)..She had a flair for dancing & she had a strange reptile-like walking style …….at which, we laughed a lot ! !

☺SUSAN…….her name was curtled to ‘SAN’. She was the beauty of our group! She had deep brown eyes, glowing skin, shining black hair & a face worth admiring! She was aware of herself, no doubt, but too sober to admit that publicly….highly pretentious, I warn u ! ! ! ! !

☻GUNJAN …..er…GUNJY…GUJJU………even we called her … ‘GANJEE’sometimes……..& it was a piece of laughter !...She was short , with short hair ( which she later preferred to keep long …as requested by her boyfriend………….devoted , huh?...)..She had high cheek–bones, a sweet smile and wore black specs (which she later changed………as requested by her boyfriend………….devoted, I told you !!..)

☺HEMA………..was the weirdest girl of our group whom we preferred calling ‘MAHI’ !. She was a fair girl with shoulder – length hair, wore specs and was of medium height….she had a strange way of walking like ‘mastans’ with her sleeves rolled………& her trade mark was a ‘beauty – spot’ below her nose , just above her lips , a bit to the left. She was famous among her juniors and she made all boys famous for her insanity towards them!..She tried all guys & fell for them ‘now n then’!!........she was an all–time entertainment..!!!

english session...

“…………she was pale and sad…………she was lovely….”
-----------thus went on our English poem teacher, Bidisha Mam. She was an awkwardly tall figure with drowsy eyes and a heavy voice….she was so thin that she resembled a bamboo or more prominently a stick insect having the head of a vulture. She discussed the poems in a typical sleepy tone!

Name of the poem was “The Moon” by Percy Bysshe Shelley, where the moon has been personified as a lady.
“………personification ...the poet’s imagination………the moon as the lady ... has grown old & senile. She is too weak..on the verge of death..she is lonely ….she is sad ….very sad ….very very very sad………………”---..With her voice trailing off I was sleepy….very sleepy ….. very very very sleepy..!

Suddenly, a chit of paper was passed under my hand.
“Wanna gossip”. It was Niky.
We got started!
There were various topics to be discussed………………”…today I dint study a bit in morn…..yesterday mom scolded. She always does that……CHILLAX! Moms are here for scolding only , na?........that day we had a bio-test…bio sucks I tell u ……..hey u know what ‘xxxxx’ means??!!..where did u hear that?.........hey Kaka is sooooooooo cute na?..............that guy again watching me…o ‘peeping-tom’..hate him, yaar……..tomorrow we have a MCQ test ………………………”& so on and on……!

“Write down the Qs of ‘Uphill’, given in the book.”………announced ‘The bamboo’
Further ‘chit-passing’ was stopped.
We opened our copies and ‘copy-passing’ started.
“the poem ‘Uphill’ composed by……………………………………..Bidisha Mam is so boring yaar…..why is she unmarried!.......got ditched probably……..or may be she couldn’t find a guy, taller than her..!”
We talked rubbish.
We were trying hard to control our non-sense giggles…..Anu was holding her hanky to cover her face….one of her patent style of controlling laughters ! ! ! !

“Yes..you!”. Silence. Silence.
“Where is your English copy?” Bidisha mam looks sick when she is angry!
It was one girl of our class, Meghna, solving Math during English class.
“You think, English is not important…do you?”
Thump ! Thud ! Thud !
We suddenly became very obedient and were fast writing the Qs of ‘Uphill’.
RRRrrrrr…………….the bell rang.
Relief !!!!!!!!!!!!


Lunch break was fun ! It was some20 minutes break and we had many juniors (the fan – followings) crowding the entrance of the classroom in that 20 minutes !
Mahi & San had the biggest fan–followings…………..small girl…fat girl…tall girl…fair girl…………so many girls from so many different classes…… ‘Hema di is here?.......where is Susan di ?.....have they come?.........’……….
“Hey Mahi, your kids are wailing dear ! ! !.” I pranked.
And you could see Mahi busily attending their demands!
The ‘fans’ were boring………. ‘didi ..please come..its urgent’….as if they have lots to tell you!!........& then… ‘..you know what happened !.surya…that boyfriend of mine was talking strange…….he said….etc etc ……….’every one of them had the same problem….problem regarding their boyfriends……& they regarded us as their ‘problem – solvers’!
Sick man!!
Boyfriends are there ….. So kind of inevitable …problems would be there!!......so why keep those weird boys as your ‘boyfriends’ ! ! ! ! !
We used to stare at them with zombie eyes, nodding from time to time with my friends teasing & shouting at my back!!!!

I had small tiffins ! For me break was the time for jumping and pulling pranks all around!..Two biscuits, ‘sandesh’ & my favourite ‘badamchaki’ were my all–time tiffin ! ………. “Don’t diet in your thin figure” were the weird suggestions!”

San’s tiffin was ‘muri’ (puffed rice) ! Always !.........her food strategy included……no cholesterol , no oil , no fat , no sweet…………….basically nothing!....beauty conscious…..figure conscious….skin conscious……….’A CONSCIOUS LADY’!!

Anu’s best tiffin was ‘luchi’.And you could see her having her grabbing her tiffin right from the 1st period…she could hardly wait !

Niky had a variety in her tiffin…..and with each bite of the food she would ask the same Q over & over…..”I’m getting fatter na?” ! !

Mahi used to be so busy, grabbing others food…….her ‘food – box’ was actually opened after the break!.. “We need to do something when those boring teachers act stupid…..no?..”

Gujju used to run to her old friends in ‘Arts section’ during the break …….no doubt she & most importantly her tiffin were truly missed !!

I don’t know what we exactly talked about but we were always laughing.. ………laughing like crazy!!
I was quite famous for my non–stop laughters & once started, I could never check that!....& there they were always saying………” God..Sim has started again..can someone call an ambulance please!!”

Well, yes ! my name is Simran………they call me Sim !...and this is the story of my journey with the best five friends of mine ---the journey which we never intended to end !
“ but we cant even afford to fail….can we ?” 

Math Magik!!!

“ ‘a’ ‘squeeere plus ‘b’ ‘squeeere’ multiplied by ‘c’ ‘squeeere’ minus ‘d’ ‘squeeere’, divided by………..”--------- Our Math teacher Tanushree Mam!
She was quite a personality. She had a typical ‘convex’ shaped smile which was always gifted whenever we failed to solve a sum & she had this distinct style of saying ‘squeeere’ !

Math was the only subject that we enjoyed thoroughly and also did sincerely.
Calculus was the obvious favorite.
“………indefinite integration without integration constant is meaningless….keep that in mind & do problem no.s 19, 20, 23,…36……”
And we instantly got busy doing them.
Slow whispers were there……
“…….how do you do that?.....finished the 3rd one?.......which one?...show me the 1st …….” and with such joint ventures we finished it on time !
It was a rapid class & I loved it.!

We also had Math class with Shikha Mam. It was boring & attendance was remarkable……
10 out of 85 students
36 out of 85
51 out of 85……….” F – I – f – t – y o – n – e ! What happened yaar ? ! So many students? ! ! “

It was the 2nd class on ‘Tangent–Normal’ and we were absent on the 1st class without reason, naturally things were making tangents or rather … bouncers over our head ! !
We were given certain class–work to do ………
“……..well….this one ….look equation of tangent is required ……..so we can ….you know we can ……….ummmm……..what can we??” I was lost !
“Lets draw the figure 1st …the circle ……….now the tangent….yes done..” Gujju was suddenly smiling triumphantly……..know not why!!!!
“Ha so?.........whats their to smile? !”
“Oh! Yaar ….you people are pure dumbos !....we need to find…”Niky stopped abruptly.
“Find what?”
“No…..nothing .i guess I’m stupid…”
“Nothing to guess…….we know you are !”
Shikha Mam was looking at us from time to time with suspicious eyes.
We were drawing circles…tangents…..scratching them out…again passing on to the next sum………..all the time…with Mam staring at us with coldly……..she was always so cold !.We wondered if she ever felt hot!!!!.....& she could be terribly harsh if she wanted ! ! !.......
.........we were trying so much to hide ourselves behind other girls………but we were too big ! ! .hmph !

Back Home....

Back home !
We were busy in our ‘hour–to–hour’ missed call programme !
There had been a nice one liner to which I was a terrible follower………
“Early to bed, late to rise….
Makes a girl funky, freaky & wise..!!!...”

It was 8’o clock in the morning. I was still in bed. I could see my cell-phone glowing red……
Several missed calls………
Niky -----5.35am (she has insomnia ! sure ! …god ! that is the time for my ‘midnight dreams’ ! )
Gujju-----6.10am ( these are problematic girls , I tell you !! )
Anu -------7.59am ( well , I have a friend there ! )
Mahi’s number was always busy , giving missed calls to so many boys all round India ! ….. too bad that she is not till famous internationally! !

After sending few missed calls & messages, I was again ready for the school – hours ahead !

my Lab-Partner!!!!!

Sakshi --- my lab–partner !
She was too short, too thin, having big teeth, wearing ‘Gandhi–style’ specs…………on the whole she was quite like those cartoon–figures!
And the most shocking news about her was, as Gujju told me , with her eyes dancing………………… “Sakshi is a lesbi..!!!!”
It was our 1st practical class……..chemistry practical !
Prerna Mam announced Sakhshi as my lab partner !!!..........an announcement that I had least expected !
I went to her…. “Sakshi, if you don’t have any problem, then Shagniki can work with me & you can work with her lab–partner ….yes?? “
She studied me for a few seconds…then just in one breath, she blurted out… “Look Simran, how can you say such things to me? How?...I know you don’t want me & I also never had any desire to be tagged with you…but if our fate is such , that we be partners…then why don’t you agree? Okay I know you have many loving friends.. but yes here I am too…I do not make much bad friend either…Why can’t you be my partner?..why can’t you be with me…why cant you stay with me..???”

Shocked ! I was simply shocked ! I went totally speechless after her long speech & was just staring at her like a ‘ dumbo’ !!
Gujju whispered in my ears.. “looks like she has grown very possessive about you in a short time!!...have a good time with your lesbi, dear !!! “
I gritted my teeth, wanted to kick her ! !

chit passing & Ishani mam's 'pachka'

“Whose class is this?” Gujju was not in a mood to attend class anymore !
“ yaar …this is Ishani mam’s class ! No ‘chaaap’……Mahi was full of energy !
“Self – proclaimed OFF ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !” I threw my hands up in the air !

Ishani mam----our physics teacher was a sublime lady..she was a strong believer in ‘ non–violence’ strategy and never scolded us……a ‘ Gandhi-follower’ we assumed ! ! !…”..if you don’t want to listen to me , you are free to do anything…I’ll teach myself only…but whatever you do, please don’t shout..” & she turned to face the board and never again faced us!!!....we LOVED her ! ! ! !

We were ready with small chits of paper as she entered the class.
“…….the Polygon rule goes like……….if ‘ n’ sides of a polygon , having ( n+1 ) sides , be represented as vectors , then the ( n+1 )th side ……………”---thus went on our ‘ beloved’ Ishani mam .

We were busy passing chits ! !
“……….yesterday I talked to him till 2a.m …..you know, he is very angry that I didn’t call him that day…I was sooooo touched….he is pure romantic, you know……….this Saturday when I went out with him..he wanted to kiss me this hard !!...how did you find him?....he is handsome , na?....sooo cool …he rocks, I tell you Sim….” Etc etc…..
Mahi was crazy over her latest crush , Vivek ………and she was as usual babbling strange ! ! ….god knows if she will ever grow up ! ! !

“…….hey! you know that guy in my tution , told you na ! , he seems to have a crush on me ….I think so ……….that day again, when I was walking my way home ……he left his cycle and started walking with me ! well..its not enough…I know……but ..everyday ! ! ! ! ……………………………..no way Sim, I’m never going to take that stupid guy seriously……….hey! don’t pull my legs like that ..!!” This was Sona, hating each & every boy of this world !
“…boys are stuffs ……they are awful ………whole lot of insensitive people………no respect for girls & nothing….well yeah , I agree…..not all ….but majority ……just look around & you can find the examples………hate them so much ! ! “
If argued, she always told me … “Sim, you are not matured enough I tell you ………..you have not yet seen this world widely…..you are childish but when you grow up …..you will understand …..how frustrating it is to be tagged as the weaker sex…….& be a victim of ugly cruelties..”
And I agreed as I grew up !

“…which guy in our physics tuition, you think looks best ? ……….i think its Dev……..but he has a bad body odour…whenever he enters the room, it smells dirty !” Gujju was always funny.
“..oh! that smell…..I thought that was yours..! “..I pranked .
“I use costly perfumes, you know …..But Dev looks good, na ? You know he broke his leg & he…”
God ! she talked about him so much . But then also I never suspected her ! I was ‘sooo’ innocent, you see !!

“What’s on with your life ?......any recent breakthrough??..........any spice???! !” Anu always kept it simple.
And then she always started with her usual worry… “do I bore people a lot?”
This was her problem. She always under-estimated herself. She was a bit shy & she felt inferior about that !
“….I know Sim , I can’t mingle in that way…I can’t crack jokes and always laugh like you…..you are so full of life. Everyone loves you….but I …I just can’t ….I feel bad Sim “
“Come on Anu …..everyone is different in this world…..you are best in your own way…we all love you being shy…why do you worry?....you are ‘choooooo chweeeet’…..don’t feel bad like that yaar………just cheer up !” I tried to lift up her mood……..she sometimes went mad !

We all were busy, replying each others’ chits.

And Ishani Mam went on & on -----“this is vector addition …….we also have vector multiplication………in vector multiplication, we can use determinant rule …..that is , …suppose two vectors be given………………” her voice was almost inaudible & we were indeed happy for that ! !

We found interest in her class only when she taught something wrong …or got lost or confused in–between a topic ! !

It was a class on ‘ logic gates’ and she was teaching monotonously--- “……AND , OR , NOT ……..we have certain symbols to express them……..& their operation can described through truth table……..lets discuss AND gates at first ………” she turned to board and drew a figure ………..

“Damn yaar ……this is OR gate !” Niky was excited.
“Exactly ……….so non–sense !” Mahi sounded equally excited…….she always was whenever she found anyone wrong !
We shouted all together “Mam this is OR gate ..not AND !” ..and then silently added “ can we better get a break please !”
Her face was then worth looking…………she did not know what to do ……she would start opening whatever books she got in a hush….adjust her hair……..give us confused looks ………….she was a total confused lady !
“God ! Look at her face !”
It was clear from her face …she was annoyed ……& that satisfied us ! !

Crashed Crush!

October month. We had a full month of puja holiday !

Our normal school again started after October………. & it was a long break for us !
Niky had lots to say. She passed a chit of paper towards me.
“I have had a crush !” I could almost feel her eyes twinkling even without staring at her !
“Wow ! so you did !!!!!!....tell me more !” I never understood how people get such crushes!.....I never could find a guy worthy for that ! !
“He was a guy in our tour..he was with our travels….i just can’t get over him ! “
------Niky was back from her Kashmir tour with a huge crush on this guy !
“Whats his name? What made you fall for him……..give me some details gal!” I was bit excited …..as I never understood this thing !!
“Dodo ! …….he is a hot–bod……great figure……..& his eyes …….. O my god! I think I fell for that only………..they are so …..so …………oh !.don’t ask me yaar….”.! ! !
Niky was mad ! She had gone complete crazy. She showed us his photograph though the snap was just too bad and we could hardly get a clear idea of how he looked like ! ! We pranked her…. “so our dear Niky is in love , is she??” & each time she would go red and during one of the classes she would pass another chit saying, “ hey! Sim, i really wanna get over him yaar….may be he has no single feeling for me!. I would be heart-broken!”