Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Final Xam haunting & my 1st quarrell!

Test-exams being over…we had no more school ! I missed school…I missed those ‘adda’….those high-benches……those long-corridors……those corner-tables by the window……..those ‘jhalmuri’ in break-time……..those chit-passing during classes……..those mild scolds……hearty laughters…sad tears…caring hands……….even I missed those haunting teachers from whom we always wanted o get rid of !
And along with all those sentiments …there was a constant fear…a deep tension for the coming H.S exam !..Those three months in home, before H.S were tense, boring and full of confusions ! With no school, no schoolies, life was like hell ! such huge loads of studies….so many books to mug……so many theories to work on….it was hard to keep track !
We rang each other constantly…discussed studies….talked about the on-going depression ! With cell-phone in one hand and books on the other…..time flew …and…gradually…………the day arrived !

Our H.S exam was due to start from 16th March ! However the usual political tantrums played the demon…huge blood-shed in ‘Nandigram’…….the massacre caused, delayed our exams and it started from 18th march ! It was strange ! We felt relieved that there was a few more days to study but the entire mental planning and concentration collapsed with the horrible ‘Nandigram’ issue flashing on the television screen 24X7 !! It was a disaster !

18th march was again a re-union…but this time it was in “ Jonathan Acaedemy”our examination centre !
Within our H.S exam, we had a fifteen days holiday before math exam and within these fifteen days I had this bitter experience which I never expected after two years of strong friendship!.....a quarrel with Gujju !!

The incident was very silly ! Gujju and I had the same math coach. In one such math tution class, I was already there and Gujju was about to come ! She thought I would give her a missed call as an indication when the class would start, which I could not due to low cell-balance ! She called in a common friend’s cell and talked to me when she had a notion that I was being rude to her !
She was angry !
Next day I tried to ease the matter ---
“Hey! Are you angry with me??....look man! I had no balance …and its not that I talked rudely to you ! trust me..”
“You made me cry Sim! When I called you, you were so busy with your other friends that you couldn’t even talk to me properly …..You are selfish you know Sim !...you just care a hang for me !!”
It was enough to make my temper hit hay-fire ! And we both made the matter look worse! The simple matter got much complicated ! A trifle with any one of my five-buddies was the last thing I wanted ever ! I was in tears myself…I could not concentrate and I was sure she felt the same way ! I couldn’t even confide it to Niky to whom I used to pour my heart out ! I was afraid I would screw up my maths exam ! It was frustrating !
However, time heals a lot ! And with time it was all forgiven & forgotten ! My birthday was just after the math exam and on that day she gave me a teddy-bear clock and we hugged and made up for the bad time !

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