Tuesday, December 23, 2008

chit passing & Ishani mam's 'pachka'

“Whose class is this?” Gujju was not in a mood to attend class anymore !
“ yaar …this is Ishani mam’s class ! No ‘chaaap’……Mahi was full of energy !
“Self – proclaimed OFF ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !” I threw my hands up in the air !

Ishani mam----our physics teacher was a sublime lady..she was a strong believer in ‘ non–violence’ strategy and never scolded us……a ‘ Gandhi-follower’ we assumed ! ! !…”..if you don’t want to listen to me , you are free to do anything…I’ll teach myself only…but whatever you do, please don’t shout..” & she turned to face the board and never again faced us!!!....we LOVED her ! ! ! !

We were ready with small chits of paper as she entered the class.
“…….the Polygon rule goes like……….if ‘ n’ sides of a polygon , having ( n+1 ) sides , be represented as vectors , then the ( n+1 )th side ……………”---thus went on our ‘ beloved’ Ishani mam .

We were busy passing chits ! !
“……….yesterday I talked to him till 2a.m …..you know, he is very angry that I didn’t call him that day…I was sooooo touched….he is pure romantic, you know……….this Saturday when I went out with him..he wanted to kiss me this hard !!...how did you find him?....he is handsome , na?....sooo cool …he rocks, I tell you Sim….” Etc etc…..
Mahi was crazy over her latest crush , Vivek ………and she was as usual babbling strange ! ! ….god knows if she will ever grow up ! ! !

“…….hey! you know that guy in my tution , told you na ! , he seems to have a crush on me ….I think so ……….that day again, when I was walking my way home ……he left his cycle and started walking with me ! well..its not enough…I know……but ..everyday ! ! ! ! ……………………………..no way Sim, I’m never going to take that stupid guy seriously……….hey! don’t pull my legs like that ..!!” This was Sona, hating each & every boy of this world !
“…boys are stuffs ……they are awful ………whole lot of insensitive people………no respect for girls & nothing….well yeah , I agree…..not all ….but majority ……just look around & you can find the examples………hate them so much ! ! “
If argued, she always told me … “Sim, you are not matured enough I tell you ………..you have not yet seen this world widely…..you are childish but when you grow up …..you will understand …..how frustrating it is to be tagged as the weaker sex…….& be a victim of ugly cruelties..”
And I agreed as I grew up !

“…which guy in our physics tuition, you think looks best ? ……….i think its Dev……..but he has a bad body odour…whenever he enters the room, it smells dirty !” Gujju was always funny.
“..oh! that smell…..I thought that was yours..! “..I pranked .
“I use costly perfumes, you know …..But Dev looks good, na ? You know he broke his leg & he…”
God ! she talked about him so much . But then also I never suspected her ! I was ‘sooo’ innocent, you see !!

“What’s on with your life ?......any recent breakthrough??..........any spice???! !” Anu always kept it simple.
And then she always started with her usual worry… “do I bore people a lot?”
This was her problem. She always under-estimated herself. She was a bit shy & she felt inferior about that !
“….I know Sim , I can’t mingle in that way…I can’t crack jokes and always laugh like you…..you are so full of life. Everyone loves you….but I …I just can’t ….I feel bad Sim “
“Come on Anu …..everyone is different in this world…..you are best in your own way…we all love you being shy…why do you worry?....you are ‘choooooo chweeeet’…..don’t feel bad like that yaar………just cheer up !” I tried to lift up her mood……..she sometimes went mad !

We all were busy, replying each others’ chits.

And Ishani Mam went on & on -----“this is vector addition …….we also have vector multiplication………in vector multiplication, we can use determinant rule …..that is , …suppose two vectors be given………………” her voice was almost inaudible & we were indeed happy for that ! !

We found interest in her class only when she taught something wrong …or got lost or confused in–between a topic ! !

It was a class on ‘ logic gates’ and she was teaching monotonously--- “……AND , OR , NOT ……..we have certain symbols to express them……..& their operation can described through truth table……..lets discuss AND gates at first ………” she turned to board and drew a figure ………..

“Damn yaar ……this is OR gate !” Niky was excited.
“Exactly ……….so non–sense !” Mahi sounded equally excited…….she always was whenever she found anyone wrong !
We shouted all together “Mam this is OR gate ..not AND !” ..and then silently added “ can we better get a break please !”
Her face was then worth looking…………she did not know what to do ……she would start opening whatever books she got in a hush….adjust her hair……..give us confused looks ………….she was a total confused lady !
“God ! Look at her face !”
It was clear from her face …she was annoyed ……& that satisfied us ! !

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