Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Our Bengali teacher, Sulagna mam taught us –“bangle shahityer itihaash”…
The 1st benches always took the dictation…….while the other benches never bothered !...specially, we the last benchers, were always shouting & screaming ! !...it was even hard to realize that a teacher existed in the class ! !..

“hey, did u read FPS??...wasn’t it amazing …..???????”
Five Point Someone…a new story book that the craze among us ! !...(and dis was 1 book that inspired me a lot 4 working on this stuff!! )
“…don’t ask me yaar...take my word, Chetan Bhagat is a hero….love him so much….” I really freaked !!
“..Hey you know…he even looks so cute??...” Mahi grinned!!
“…awww Mahi… ‘chooooo chaaaaaad’….he is married…too bad for you..na?”
“don’t be a dog!”
“o ya ya..i know you are terribly devoted to that boyfriend of yours…! ! ....well…what’s d latest trap called eh?”
“What do you mean???”
“Trap...yaar…I mean boyfriend….oopssss ! !...........forgot the name..! !”
“You forgot your would be ‘jiju’s’ name?? ! ! ! . . . . shame on you…shame..”
“So he is the final one????????”
“ya almost..”
“No way gal...I know your heart cries out seeing all the single, lonely guys around…..you are so compassionate…! ! !”
“Hey! are you guys trying to make fun of me???” Mahi narrowed her eyes!
Now that’s Mahi for you…she can be so sweet & stupid at times that you will want to love her in spite of her cracked mind…! !
“..Whatever Mahi...today you just say it…all the names of boys you fell for starting from the first…”
“Sim are you mad?.....this whole day will pass…her list of boys will never end. I know……its kind of endless ! ! !”…Gujju wiped her face and gave me a serious face!!..
“Hey friends! Everyone know na….who is that lucky crush of mine!!”..Niky gave a twinkle!
“ya ofcours! that cartoon weirdo….tamahomey…lolz ! ! “
“WEIRDO!!!.....who TAMAHOMEY?????...........go and consult a psychiatrist..will you??”
“I don’t know any who would check up even cartoon weirdos! ! “
“ofcours they will when they find you…..hmphhh! ! “
“Sim enough of others leg pulling o.k?.......now you just let the cats out of your bag….yes?”
“Hey! I don’t keep those creatures in my bag…….! !”..I winced…!!..I hate cats…!
“True yaar…….I don’t get it ..Why don’t u have any crush?????!!..i get crushed every now & then…and you ! ! !”
“Well…umm now what can I do…I never came across a single sensible guy, you know.!”
“Look Sim crush in our age is as normal as taking food everyday!!.....as a matter of fact, it’s a hormonal issue….the adolescent hormones that get secreted inside our body are hugely responsible for it…such a biological explanation……..in fact, it is normal…anything otherwise is abnormal!!...you SHOULD have some crushes yaar…..in fact…” and it went on n on…
San is sure to be a lecturer…you give her a single scope….& time will fly like seconds listening to her long & unfortunately, boring lectures ! !.....and god knows why don’t I have a single stupid crush ! !......ughfffffff..!!!

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