Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Year Googly!

Year 2006 ! !
New year ! ! ! !
HAPPY NEW year ! ! ! ! !.......
We gave each other long hugs ! !...
“wait…we need some new year resolution…..some unique ‘Super-six’ resolution ! !” I tried to make ourselves feel important ! !...
“..to break each resolution made….wat else??”….
Suits us perfect….we hi-fived each other and went out planning for some kind of celebration ! !....

However, our new year started with an ‘extra-warm’ welcome note from our ‘dearest-of all’ teacher Sugandha Mam !
Sugandha Mam was the embodiment of discipline in our school! She was tough, not only in her behavior but even in her appearances ! Stiff and hard, as she was, she made us nervous ! She never smiled and always treated us like her victims ! She was like a tigress ready to pounce any moment ! She never forgot to be present at the school prayer-hall at 11.15 sharp and her only job there was to gift fierce stares to us at the very beginning of the day !

It was just the day after 1st jan ! Mahi and I was wandering around the school-building during one of the off-periods ! We saw Niky and Anu coming downwards searching for us !..
“Lets frighten them !” I suggested !
We hid behind a pillar, keeping an eye on them ! As Niky and Anu approached towards us…we bumped on them with a loud ‘dhaapppa’ followed by chaotic outbursts of laughter !
I turned to high-five Mahi and found her staring with horrified eyes ! Even before following her eyes, I knew what must have happened ! Mahi grabbed my hand, trying to make an escape which could have worsen the matter ! I stopped her and turned to face the ‘demon’!
Sugandha Mam was standing right there …with her ever cold eyes burning us !
“Sorry Mam!”
“What exactly you think it is??....any kind of fish market??...shouting and laughing like anything…you lunatics ! !”
She turned to Niky and Anu --- “you two may go back to your classes and let me deal with these two nuisance!”
They obediently made their way up the stairs. We could see them standing round the corner of the stairs, watching us over Mam’s shoulder and flying best-of-luck wishes towards us ! … something was bottling inside ! I needed to laugh badly!.. I forced my eyes away from them…
“What kind of punishment you want for creating such a chaos here??.....eh?”
I was wondering who is actually creating a chaos!
We preferred to keep silent !
“Hold your ears and stand right here, right now !”
Man!..holding ears in xii-standard do embarrass you a lot ! We were hesitating !
“Hold ears..NOW !”
God! Does she know, she shouts louder than us??...I wanted to ask her! Instead I held my ears and stood, feeling an utter fool of myself ! Mahi followed my action !
Sugandha Mam walked back to her room with stormy steps ! as soon as she vanished Nikky , Anu , San appeared, giggling hard !
Every moment we tried to relieve our ears, Sugandha Mam appeared from where god knows ! Ultimately she came and asked us to go back to our class, warning us --- “any further nuisance from you…and I would sue you both !”

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