Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the astrologers!!

Durga Puja being over, school was like once in two weeks ! Students used to be present only on Tuesdays and Fridays ---- the practical-days ! And those few days, we went to school …. We did nothing but chat !
It was one Friday ! We decided to skip practicals !
“………the more lines you have in this position …the more marriages you will go through ! …and these broken lines suggest the number of divorces you will have !!” Niky had recently gathered some knowledge about palmistry and we stretched out our palms , for her to check !!
“You are having two marriages and three divorces ….!” This was for Gujju!
“Hey! ..that’s something impossible , right ?!”
“Your first judgment …….and you proved to be a fake !”
“ aha!..whatever!...look at mine !” Anu was excited !
“ ummm…hey!...the lines are so confusing on your palm! ..ummm….nah!...cant get it!” Niky narrowed her eyes..and was examining hard !
“Oh good! That means Anu is never going to marry...and hence no divorce!...done! now here is mine……” I tugged Anu aside !
“Okay!....wow! Sim ! You have an interesting life gal ! …..numerous marriages and numerous divorce……!!” Niky grinned !
“Oh! thats me ! You know ! The great girl of this world !” I held my collars!
“Now comes Mahi”
“Oh! no ! …bad luck man ! ..one marriage only !” Niky said with round eyes !
I snapped instantly !... “Never possible…….Mahi and one marriage..no way! That single line must be a band spectra…consisting of numerous line spectrum !!”
“yeah! That explains actually!........Mahi ..and one marriage ..is like sun moving round the earth !!” Gujju always exaggerated when it comes to playing pranks !
However Mahi never felt bad ! That was the best part in her ! You could poke her all day …you would get tired but she never became sentimental...and never ever in my life I remember her to get angry with us ! It was one trait in her character we all loved !

Now Mahi was blurting out her knowledge regarding astrology ! She studied every one’s hand, the palm-lines very minutely and declaed ---- “every one of us are going to have love-marriage !” then she took my hand and started examining!
“……look ..here is Jupiter…this is the position of Sun….here Saturn….Mars …Venus..this one is fate line….and this is brain line….now look here these two lines have crossed each other , indicating your great achievement in career though you have to face lots of obstacles as per these broken lines …….this particular inclination makes the effect of sun very strong in your natal chart ! ……”she was pointing here and there and went on telling stuffs !
“Oh Mahi! Stop this rubbish !..Say something exciting !..like Niky did!”Gujju yawned !
Mahi gave a thoughtful look to Gujju and then turned her concentration back to me..
“Let me tell you about your life-partner!” she started with a new enthu !.. “You are going to have your first affair in your college life ..but it wont be a success !”
“of course not ! I wont fall for any successful silly love story …not in my life..please !”I smirked !
“Sim!...come on!..and remember you are going to have a love-marriage only!...so some day or the other you are going to fall in love !...you agree or disagree !” Gujju was a strong supporter of love !
“never!..you love a guy !...and you get hurt only!...just look around and you will find so many examples !” I had a feverish repulsion to any love-sick thing !
“………hey!..and your hubby is going to be a damn handsome man !” Mahi suddenly shouted !
“oh!..his picture is given here as well!” Niky hovered over my hand!
“Ohf ho! No picture you dumbo!...but it can be understood!...you take my word Sim!..he will be very good-looking!” Mahi winced !
“Okay!..in that case, don’t try to run after him ..i warn you !” I never missed a single opportunity to poke Mahi !
“Okay lets come to Gujju!”
“Hey Gujju!..you know…Sagittarius & Taurus are not much compatible !!” We all knew Dev was a Sagi & Gujju was taurus !
“Rubbish!..taurians are too good to be incompatible with anyone !” Gujju protested !
“yup!..we the great taurians !”San added .. “ Aries are the eccentric people…they call them ‘crank’ !”
I protested !
“Hey! Hello! Aries are the most generous of the lot….determined and focused !...we are the best!”
I was an Arian !
“No …Taurus…….no Aries.,…Taurus…….Aries ……..!!”
And we never knew how it ended !

Mahi was very impatient. She was about to tell us about the latest twist in her life ! ….but couldn’t manage to find the exact opportunity….any way she started --- “ I am about to ditch Arun !”
“WHAT!!??” we almost screamed !
“Actually I have thought about it a lot…but you know my phone-friend Akash ….he was my friend for so long….and now I realize he is the one for me!!”
“Are you sure??...you were just so mad about Arun even a few days back!!??”
“Actually, I was trying to force myself away from Akash!...I felt it was wrong …but I feel much more guilty if I don’t tell it to Arun now !!”
“Mahi, you are truly out of control!...you fall in and out so frequently !”
“But I am helpless yaar!...i know I am very fluctuating in love but..i am being honest ..trust me!”
We knew that !...Mahi is not dishonest atleast !
“Tell me..is it right if I don’t tell him about this??..i have thought of writing a letter to him…what do you say??”
“Oh! Yeah!..you should!.....but you are damn strange gal! ..very strange …anyway how is this Akash like??...”
“Oh!..Akash is a cool dude ! …very rich but never brags..you know !.....and he recharges my cell every month ..though I have said not to do it a thousand times !!”
“Wow! So you have a cell-recharging boy-friend !..lucky you!!..but still you are damn strange Mahi….damn !”

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