Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gunjan here . . . . . . . . ☻

Damn it…..Sim err… Simran the beloved author of this book….wrote all about my silly crush….whoa…u people must be thinking it a serious one….but I will rather call it a silly n stupid mistake of mine….but again its d only trace of romance in the book…

It was in a small gathering when we decided to jot out our sweet happenings in class eleven n twelve….n we all got excited (as usual)….I will owe it to Chetan Bhagat…whose ‘five point someone’ was an inspiration and is still out favorite…..n obviously to Simran…(I never thought she will seriously do it)……but one thing I wanna say….i never changed my specs for my crush…..grrr..Will kill Sim for that…

When I got admitted to XI, I never thought in my wildest dreams that I will get such weird and loving buddies …Sim was my closest one in the group…..Niky was very shy to talk with me….but with my initiative we became friends soon….Anu too was very shy…but my babbling constantly made her talk too…..and about San..well we became friends later……and thanks to my mom n dad that I was a taurian...which made our bonds stronger…with which she constantly found similarities between us…but I should agree that we did had some similarities….(only wish I was as beautiful as she….huh!) Among all these Mahi was my friend since class five….she is very sweet..n I was always the first one whom she trusted with her boyfriend….and every now and then..i used to send them messages when she ran short of money……I am so helping na???...too bad Sim forgot to mention it in the book…..

And thanks to Sim I came to know about their anger when I went to meet Dev……my God ! they conspired to kill him……but I like they care for me…at least I came to know how much they missed me!!...am now really regretting those moments…I shouldn’t have done it….really they are not a match of Dev….they aint a match of anyone in this world….really love them a lot…Niky may be motherly type…but in my case Sim always proved to me a more motherly type….always standing by my side…stopping me about Dev….only thing is that she should have told more severely…..

I will never forget those days..we teased Niky about Dodo….asking Mahi about how many times she would change her boyfriend..and getting a smart answer that… “I will till I get my type….”..i will pray god to make someone of her type to save the boys of Kolkata…umm..India….ummm…Asia….hehehe!!….whereas poor Niky always tried hard in her heart to believe that Dodo was a simple crush of hers, only to realize that it is not….Anu also had a crush on a guy in her tuition….but poor shy girl, out of shyness couldn’t pour it out to that boy….(one guy of Kolkata is saved)….well now about Sim…she also had a couple of sweet crushes...( n yes! Here I am to spill her beans now!!)

Once when she went for some marketing met a cool dude….. (according to her)..n had a small head over him…then once a guy who came to her house for tuition…(after two days the guy disappeared. I think he came to know about d crush…n didn’t take the risk of life)…..then there was a guy who proposed her..and she rejected..when I asked the reason she said that she had no feeling for the poor fellow(I don’t know about his whereabouts now…must have turned to Devdas)….this was all about her crushes…rather our crushes…..San didn’t had any crush but a steady one..who lived outside India..(international one)…I really felt sorry for her when she kept on telling that she has to spend 12bucks /per min to call him…Mahi was lucky in this case with either 30p/min (thanks to hutch..err Vodafone)or free..with her boyfriend recharging her cell…!

Enough about crushes..now about our classes….we had a gala time..in chemistry class..n parijal mam’s class….in that class we were strictly stopped from listening to her as she not only teached worse..but sometimes wrong things also…..with modifying Newtons formula with her new version..(poor Newton wouldn’t have written that formula at all if he knew this….)..i won’t forget Bidisha mam’s class as well….and also not the day I had to stand the whole class( as a punishment) along with Mahi for discussing about her recent boyfriend (hated her for it..what else does she expect to do?).
Well I didn’t had so much of hatred towards biology as Sim...one of its chief reason was I had a huge(rather ultra huge)crush on my biology private tutor…and I wanted to impress him)…Sim always hated biology..and till the last day of our school she kept on asking “why do we study biology?”…
I loved my practical classes too…with me always keeping Sim along with me in physics class only to realize that her partner in the practicals is a lesbo….i am so intelligent in this matter…..we had many experience like this…like I was near to faint in biology parcticals when we were about to have that blood test…wid Sim, Anu n San managing smartly…

i also loved the times when I used to give letters to Sim..and she used to reply me….and once when I was giving a letter to Sim in front of my biology tuition class….sir’s bro saw it and thought that we are love birds exchanging love letters…and started to say silly things next day he met sim…(I hated him…..poor fellow must have missed some good friends in life)….i still have loads of letters in my bag…(most of them are of Sim)….i loved the way she listened to them and came up with the solutions……

I never realized when this two years passed away..but our friendship is still strong..(rather stronger)..because I still have those five friends in my life..and none can take their place…Sim’s jolly smile..Niky’s sweetness..Anu’s shyness..Mahi’s boyfriends..n San’s smartness…will remember them all…

Hope they will remember me too…well not hope..am sure they will remember me….(they have no other choice..)..i am too sweet to be forgotten…..

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