Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Math Magik!!!

“ ‘a’ ‘squeeere plus ‘b’ ‘squeeere’ multiplied by ‘c’ ‘squeeere’ minus ‘d’ ‘squeeere’, divided by………..”--------- Our Math teacher Tanushree Mam!
She was quite a personality. She had a typical ‘convex’ shaped smile which was always gifted whenever we failed to solve a sum & she had this distinct style of saying ‘squeeere’ !

Math was the only subject that we enjoyed thoroughly and also did sincerely.
Calculus was the obvious favorite.
“………indefinite integration without integration constant is meaningless….keep that in mind & do problem no.s 19, 20, 23,…36……”
And we instantly got busy doing them.
Slow whispers were there……
“…….how do you do that?.....finished the 3rd one?.......which one?...show me the 1st …….” and with such joint ventures we finished it on time !
It was a rapid class & I loved it.!

We also had Math class with Shikha Mam. It was boring & attendance was remarkable……
10 out of 85 students
36 out of 85
51 out of 85……….” F – I – f – t – y o – n – e ! What happened yaar ? ! So many students? ! ! “

It was the 2nd class on ‘Tangent–Normal’ and we were absent on the 1st class without reason, naturally things were making tangents or rather … bouncers over our head ! !
We were given certain class–work to do ………
“……..well….this one ….look equation of tangent is required ……..so we can ….you know we can ……….ummmm……..what can we??” I was lost !
“Lets draw the figure 1st …the circle ……….now the tangent….yes done..” Gujju was suddenly smiling triumphantly……..know not why!!!!
“Ha so?.........whats their to smile? !”
“Oh! Yaar ….you people are pure dumbos !....we need to find…”Niky stopped abruptly.
“Find what?”
“No…..nothing .i guess I’m stupid…”
“Nothing to guess…….we know you are !”
Shikha Mam was looking at us from time to time with suspicious eyes.
We were drawing circles…tangents…..scratching them out…again passing on to the next sum………..all the time…with Mam staring at us with coldly……..she was always so cold !.We wondered if she ever felt hot!!!!.....& she could be terribly harsh if she wanted ! ! !.......
.........we were trying so much to hide ourselves behind other girls………but we were too big ! ! .hmph !

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