Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rocking Rabindra-Jayanti !!

RABINDRA-JAYANTI celebration in school !

There were lots of arrangements and decorations all around the school campus ! ….students would perform dance, sing songs, recite His compositions, enact drama etc….they were getting ready in their costumes…..preparing their lines…...practicing dance-steps …applying make-ups ... all the students, teachers and other staffs assembled….it was quite a festive. The school auditorium was hugely crowded………..
Only we---‘the super-six’ were not present ! !

The day was being observed ...but we were in the last corner room of the ground-floor of our school ! It was one of the best rooms in the school..and I specially loved it because it had many huge windows and somewhat gave a ‘teeny-flavor’ ! !

We closed the doors , made ourselves comfortable on the high-benches and settled down with large boxes full of cakes, pastries, patties…chips…cold-drinks…all that Gujju brought, as a part of her birthday treat !
We were shouting …and screaming…beating the benches like drums….singing (which was more a scream than a song as usual)....with all mouths full of food-stuffs...and the obvious result was dashing out of food-stuffs over here & there…making the place look like shit ! !

We opened up our long put-off project…i.e the ‘horror-film’ we were working !
Mahi took out a paper and short-listed few informations !
“ Sim – director
San – producer
Mahi & Gujju – script – writer
Niky – photography & editing
Anu – choreography
It was supposed to be a ghost story….a love-struck crazy woman ...kills the girl-friend of a man whom she loved ….the man goes mad…shocked at his girl-friend’s murder…the murdered woman becomes ghost ...name of the ghost—Kamakshin ...she is desperate to take revenge …but ultimately discovers herself in love with her murderer…”
Niky interrupted----“hey…her murderer was female…how can she fall in love with her..pray??...”
“ohf ho ! ..She discovered after becoming a ghost, she has turned a lesbo…simple..!” I winced !

We were hastily planning how to take the shots….who to arrange for camera and all….anyone watching us would have thought we were serious about it!...we made such serious faces !..and discussed things like real professionals!!...
“….shooting would me at my house…san would take care of the costumes & make-up…………& we can start any day….just the actors are needed to be discovered..!!”
We even started working on the music of the film ! …we planned to include the songs in our pre-formed band—“The Villy Babes” !!..We screamed any tune that came to our mind….it even helped when we sang the songs we know…our wrong notes helped us find new tunes for our film..!!...
We were crazy ! We were innovative in our own style ! And we laughed to hell at our own wackiness ! ! and even thought about forming a laughing-club ! ..We were non-stop ! But it pleased us beyond limits !

We never stopped until suddenly Anu realized someone was knocking the door hard …which we closed in order to shut ourselves from every one in the school…specially our ‘princie’ !
“Hey!..stop! ..gotta open the door!..” Anu had to shout…literally…to make us listen to her !
We were kind of afraid as we thought it was none but ‘princie’ ! Niky pushed me towards the door.. “ go!.open it !”
“noway!!!.....” I pushed Mahi who instead pushed Gujju….which moved to Anu..and ultimately San ! …we continued our ‘push-push’ game and the door continued to bang even louder & louder !..
“Hey!..Who is in there??..open the door!” it was Sardar kaku !!..
oh!..relief !
We opened the door to face a series of questions !
“Oh!..Sardar kaku…we were getting truly pissed off up there, in that auditorium..” Mahi made a boring face ! Though I was not sure if it was really so pissing ! ..We never attended the function..so obviously no question of getting pissed off due to that ! But Mahi had a straight face !
“…don’t complain kaku…..you won’t..will you??” San said with a pleading voice!
Sardar kaku gave a sheepish smile and nodded approvingly !...much to our relief !

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