Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the very 1st day!..

It was the 1st day of July ’05 ………the beginning of my class xi …and my school after three long months..!!!..It was naturally exciting...& I also felt a bit nervous..!!!!!

My school was the same old one ----------- that huge familiar ‘blue-n-black’ building with no playground..!!....but my uniform was different this time……wearing a white knee-length skirt & a white shirt having brown stripes..,I entered my school which have been my 2nd home since kinder-garden. Old faces were there & some new ones mingled with them…..I approached them….my heartbeats conscious of a new start of my career & …life..!!

We were welcomed by our seniors with flowers..and good wishes…….songs were sung..!..I tended to have visions……. “..Food packets & cold drinks given….”as I heard happening in other schools …but no!.nothing of that sort happened !...we were not given any treats!!!!..but I did not even feel a tinge of anger !
Confused and nervous, as I was, I was following everything without a word…my innocence grasping every of the “welcome ceremony” without any complaints!

We were guided to our new classroom where we spent the most precious two years of class xi & xii……..
This classroom is the first thing that needs to be described!.......It was a school-hall ( as you cal it ) ; with a door-like partition in the middle that could be wide-opened & closed as and when required……one side of the partition was the room for the students of class-xi and the other side was for class-xii.!.we used to ‘push n pull’ that partition causing it to bulge this way & that way , every now & then!!....this was kind of fun... and it only stopped with a scold from the teachers!!!!!...

Entering the “Science section” to which I was admitted, I saw my three old buddies ---- Nikita, Susan & Anjali....sitting pretty ! Instant cheers followed…...we were together again and...We couldn’t help the hugs & laughters!..two faces -----that of Richa’s & Vishakha’s were also missed simultananeously…..…this whole lot of us were a real ‘fun-group’ till class-x!....we immediately rushed to meet Richa & Vishakha who were there in the ‘Commerce section’ …….& once again , it felt just like those old sweet times..!

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