Tuesday, December 23, 2008


It was Shefali mam’s botany class …ugh !
‘Bio’ seemed to be the worst subject to me. Each time, I opened the book, I felt sick to my stomach,…sick to my brain..and most of the time sick to my heart …!!!..I always cried before my ‘bio’ exams !

Shefali mam entered the class-room …my face got twisted ! ..i could see Mahi & Niky in my vision ,,,,they were possibly sitting in front of computer…happily doing their projects….they had computer science in their optional subject….so they were in different room…so happy & so safe…!!

Shefali mam was already there, trying to teach something . I tried to listen to her……
“……….so the leaves, as you just learned …can be broadly divided in two groups – simple & compound …now, in the simple leaves …the margin can be plain i.e smooth or incised..but the incisors never touch the midrib…again, the compound leaves have………” –Mam stood up from her chair , turned her back to us and started drawing various kinds of leaves on the board !

Oh! God! Why ‘bio’ bores me so much??!! I put my head down, being angry, sad and frustrated at the same time!
Bio frustrates me !!

“………and these compound leaves can again be divided into …pinnately compound leaves and palmately compound leaves ……again those leaves can be further sub-divided like……”
----she never stopped her lecture and her lecture never excited me !
I stopped listening to her and turned my attention to her moves !
She had a very strange habit of scratching her head with the end of a pen……while teaching , she unconsciously moved towards the side-by window and started teaching facing that way…as if , teaching the crowd on the street …and turned to the class only when the slow rumble took the form of chaos ! ……she had typical accent and pronounced ‘s’ with a lot of stress on it, like… ‘leavessss’… ‘groupsssss’…… ‘ssssimple’………this was interesting and I soon became occupied with her ‘sssss’ !

Sonali mam’s zoology class was even more irritating . There were usually lots of fishes…… and cockroaches…and lizards …and guinea pigs…to be dealt with in her class !
And they frustrated me equally !
I hate ‘bio’ !!

There were never any chit-passing in her class… because ??,…well you could see …………
San staring hard with her deep brooding eyes……. ( god knows ! what so interesting about ‘bio’ )
Anu was so moved by ‘bio’ lectures , she could hear nothing else until you give her a kick ! ……… ( ‘bio’ even makes people deaf??!!....i wonder ! )
Gujju sat still…hypnotized by ‘bio’ lectures !
And I was the only one blinking blankly !!

Parijal Mam’s ‘physiology’ class was , in fact , “ The Danger” !!
It botany and zoology were tangents for me …. then physiology was super-high bouncer !!
Moreover this class could see ‘rapid-fire-rounds’ ! questions were asked in random and answers were expected to be instant ! failure in giving a single answer could be followed by any kind of punishments…as per parijal Mam’s whims !!
“……………..why red muscles seem red?...characteristics of white muscle cells…conduction of synaptic impulse…..what is power stroke?....role of ATP in it??....effect of cardiac muscles in human blood pressure…..what do you mean by ‘crypts of liberkuhn’?.......................”

Thump ! Thud ! Thud ! ……I could hear my heart-beats louder than the teacher’s voice !
I was terribly afraid whenever it was anything regarding ‘bio’ !
My face grew red ! I was sweating ! automatic nervous system not working ! pulse rate increased ! blood pressure high ! grey cells suddenly died ! rapid rush of adrenaline ! !
I tried to hide my face ( this was one reason …why I always sat behind fat girls in ‘bio’ classes..!! )
Fortunately I was never the victim !

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