Tuesday, December 23, 2008

english session...

“…………she was pale and sad…………she was lovely….”
-----------thus went on our English poem teacher, Bidisha Mam. She was an awkwardly tall figure with drowsy eyes and a heavy voice….she was so thin that she resembled a bamboo or more prominently a stick insect having the head of a vulture. She discussed the poems in a typical sleepy tone!

Name of the poem was “The Moon” by Percy Bysshe Shelley, where the moon has been personified as a lady.
“………personification ...the poet’s imagination………the moon as the lady ... has grown old & senile. She is too weak..on the verge of death..she is lonely ….she is sad ….very sad ….very very very sad………………”---..With her voice trailing off I was sleepy….very sleepy ….. very very very sleepy..!

Suddenly, a chit of paper was passed under my hand.
“Wanna gossip”. It was Niky.
We got started!
There were various topics to be discussed………………”…today I dint study a bit in morn…..yesterday mom scolded. She always does that……CHILLAX! Moms are here for scolding only , na?........that day we had a bio-test…bio sucks I tell u ……..hey u know what ‘xxxxx’ means??!!..where did u hear that?.........hey Kaka is sooooooooo cute na?..............that guy again watching me…o ‘peeping-tom’..hate him, yaar……..tomorrow we have a MCQ test ………………………”& so on and on……!

“Write down the Qs of ‘Uphill’, given in the book.”………announced ‘The bamboo’
Further ‘chit-passing’ was stopped.
We opened our copies and ‘copy-passing’ started.
“the poem ‘Uphill’ composed by……………………………………..Bidisha Mam is so boring yaar…..why is she unmarried!.......got ditched probably……..or may be she couldn’t find a guy, taller than her..!”
We talked rubbish.
We were trying hard to control our non-sense giggles…..Anu was holding her hanky to cover her face….one of her patent style of controlling laughters ! ! ! !

“Yes..you!”. Silence. Silence.
“Where is your English copy?” Bidisha mam looks sick when she is angry!
It was one girl of our class, Meghna, solving Math during English class.
“You think, English is not important…do you?”
Thump ! Thud ! Thud !
We suddenly became very obedient and were fast writing the Qs of ‘Uphill’.
RRRrrrrr…………….the bell rang.
Relief !!!!!!!!!!!!

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