Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Journey . . . . . . . where destination was not the aim..

This is a simple work of fun, with no offence or disregard for any character mentioned here.

this is my story when I was struggling with my higher-secondary course with the five best persons in my life……it was a short journey of two years that had an unavoidable effect on the rest of our lives………a journey that we were sure to end but never intended to………!

the very 1st day!..

It was the 1st day of July ’05 ………the beginning of my class xi …and my school after three long months..!!!..It was naturally exciting...& I also felt a bit nervous..!!!!!

My school was the same old one ----------- that huge familiar ‘blue-n-black’ building with no playground..!!....but my uniform was different this time……wearing a white knee-length skirt & a white shirt having brown stripes..,I entered my school which have been my 2nd home since kinder-garden. Old faces were there & some new ones mingled with them…..I approached them….my heartbeats conscious of a new start of my career & …life..!!

We were welcomed by our seniors with flowers..and good wishes…….songs were sung..!..I tended to have visions……. “..Food packets & cold drinks given….”as I heard happening in other schools …but no!.nothing of that sort happened !...we were not given any treats!!!!..but I did not even feel a tinge of anger !
Confused and nervous, as I was, I was following everything without a word…my innocence grasping every of the “welcome ceremony” without any complaints!

We were guided to our new classroom where we spent the most precious two years of class xi & xii……..
This classroom is the first thing that needs to be described!.......It was a school-hall ( as you cal it ) ; with a door-like partition in the middle that could be wide-opened & closed as and when required……one side of the partition was the room for the students of class-xi and the other side was for class-xii.!.we used to ‘push n pull’ that partition causing it to bulge this way & that way , every now & then!!....this was kind of fun... and it only stopped with a scold from the teachers!!!!!...

Entering the “Science section” to which I was admitted, I saw my three old buddies ---- Nikita, Susan & Anjali....sitting pretty ! Instant cheers followed…...we were together again and...We couldn’t help the hugs & laughters!..two faces -----that of Richa’s & Vishakha’s were also missed simultananeously…..…this whole lot of us were a real ‘fun-group’ till class-x!....we immediately rushed to meet Richa & Vishakha who were there in the ‘Commerce section’ …….& once again , it felt just like those old sweet times..!

hello there,,,,

Me, Nikita, Anjali & Susan were seated in the last bench , on the first day of class-xi…..we were usually the ‘ last-benchers’…….we were ‘rocking’ ..& .. ‘mocking’……we imitated our teachers ..our class-mates..even ourselves…..we were fun..& we enjoyed it in our own style!!
Happy & smiling (..an advertisement of our teeth was a regular show!..), we were fiercely unknown of the devils that awaited us,…hidden in our books!

It was one such fine day , that Hema, who got a bit closer to me during last year , decided to join our group with her friend, Gunjan……& within a few days we formed a nice group of six…SUPER SIX !!..I bet!-----me, Nikita, Susan, Anjali, & the two new ones…Hema & Gunjan..!!!

☺NIKITA ……….whom we dearly call “NIKY” (this name was introduced by me in class-v when she used to be a miserable small girl & I enjoyed making fun of her all the time!)…was the fattest & the cutest girl of our group. She was a fair and short-heighted girl, with a round face, brown hair & squirrel-like teeth……she was sweet and she was too worried being ‘fat’!...she was ‘little’ yet a true matured ( sometimes even motherly ) friend of ours, with a strange habit of kicking Anjali !!

☻ANJALI……….was this sweet shy girl whom you always want have in your next-door!.....Her name was lovingly turned to ‘ANU’!...she had a black complexion, a broad-hearty smile, long hair & her patent hair-style was a ‘binuni’( as we call it in Bengali)..She had a flair for dancing & she had a strange reptile-like walking style …….at which, we laughed a lot ! !

☺SUSAN…….her name was curtled to ‘SAN’. She was the beauty of our group! She had deep brown eyes, glowing skin, shining black hair & a face worth admiring! She was aware of herself, no doubt, but too sober to admit that publicly….highly pretentious, I warn u ! ! ! ! !

☻GUNJAN …..er…GUNJY…GUJJU………even we called her … ‘GANJEE’sometimes……..& it was a piece of laughter !...She was short , with short hair ( which she later preferred to keep long …as requested by her boyfriend………….devoted , huh?...)..She had high cheek–bones, a sweet smile and wore black specs (which she later changed………as requested by her boyfriend………….devoted, I told you !!..)

☺HEMA………..was the weirdest girl of our group whom we preferred calling ‘MAHI’ !. She was a fair girl with shoulder – length hair, wore specs and was of medium height….she had a strange way of walking like ‘mastans’ with her sleeves rolled………& her trade mark was a ‘beauty – spot’ below her nose , just above her lips , a bit to the left. She was famous among her juniors and she made all boys famous for her insanity towards them!..She tried all guys & fell for them ‘now n then’!!........she was an all–time entertainment..!!!

english session...

“…………she was pale and sad…………she was lovely….”
-----------thus went on our English poem teacher, Bidisha Mam. She was an awkwardly tall figure with drowsy eyes and a heavy voice….she was so thin that she resembled a bamboo or more prominently a stick insect having the head of a vulture. She discussed the poems in a typical sleepy tone!

Name of the poem was “The Moon” by Percy Bysshe Shelley, where the moon has been personified as a lady.
“………personification ...the poet’s imagination………the moon as the lady ... has grown old & senile. She is too weak..on the verge of death..she is lonely ….she is sad ….very sad ….very very very sad………………”---..With her voice trailing off I was sleepy….very sleepy ….. very very very sleepy..!

Suddenly, a chit of paper was passed under my hand.
“Wanna gossip”. It was Niky.
We got started!
There were various topics to be discussed………………”…today I dint study a bit in morn…..yesterday mom scolded. She always does that……CHILLAX! Moms are here for scolding only , na?........that day we had a bio-test…bio sucks I tell u ……..hey u know what ‘xxxxx’ means??!!..where did u hear that?.........hey Kaka is sooooooooo cute na?..............that guy again watching me…o ‘peeping-tom’..hate him, yaar……..tomorrow we have a MCQ test ………………………”& so on and on……!

“Write down the Qs of ‘Uphill’, given in the book.”………announced ‘The bamboo’
Further ‘chit-passing’ was stopped.
We opened our copies and ‘copy-passing’ started.
“the poem ‘Uphill’ composed by……………………………………..Bidisha Mam is so boring yaar…..why is she unmarried!.......got ditched probably……..or may be she couldn’t find a guy, taller than her..!”
We talked rubbish.
We were trying hard to control our non-sense giggles…..Anu was holding her hanky to cover her face….one of her patent style of controlling laughters ! ! ! !

“Yes..you!”. Silence. Silence.
“Where is your English copy?” Bidisha mam looks sick when she is angry!
It was one girl of our class, Meghna, solving Math during English class.
“You think, English is not important…do you?”
Thump ! Thud ! Thud !
We suddenly became very obedient and were fast writing the Qs of ‘Uphill’.
RRRrrrrr…………….the bell rang.
Relief !!!!!!!!!!!!


Lunch break was fun ! It was some20 minutes break and we had many juniors (the fan – followings) crowding the entrance of the classroom in that 20 minutes !
Mahi & San had the biggest fan–followings…………..small girl…fat girl…tall girl…fair girl…………so many girls from so many different classes…… ‘Hema di is here?.......where is Susan di ?.....have they come?.........’……….
“Hey Mahi, your kids are wailing dear ! ! !.” I pranked.
And you could see Mahi busily attending their demands!
The ‘fans’ were boring………. ‘didi ..please come..its urgent’….as if they have lots to tell you!!........& then… ‘..you know what happened !.surya…that boyfriend of mine was talking strange…….he said….etc etc ……….’every one of them had the same problem….problem regarding their boyfriends……& they regarded us as their ‘problem – solvers’!
Sick man!!
Boyfriends are there ….. So kind of inevitable …problems would be there!!......so why keep those weird boys as your ‘boyfriends’ ! ! ! ! !
We used to stare at them with zombie eyes, nodding from time to time with my friends teasing & shouting at my back!!!!

I had small tiffins ! For me break was the time for jumping and pulling pranks all around!..Two biscuits, ‘sandesh’ & my favourite ‘badamchaki’ were my all–time tiffin ! ………. “Don’t diet in your thin figure” were the weird suggestions!”

San’s tiffin was ‘muri’ (puffed rice) ! Always !.........her food strategy included……no cholesterol , no oil , no fat , no sweet…………….basically nothing!....beauty conscious…..figure conscious….skin conscious……….’A CONSCIOUS LADY’!!

Anu’s best tiffin was ‘luchi’.And you could see her having her grabbing her tiffin right from the 1st period…she could hardly wait !

Niky had a variety in her tiffin…..and with each bite of the food she would ask the same Q over & over…..”I’m getting fatter na?” ! !

Mahi used to be so busy, grabbing others food…….her ‘food – box’ was actually opened after the break!.. “We need to do something when those boring teachers act stupid…..no?..”

Gujju used to run to her old friends in ‘Arts section’ during the break …….no doubt she & most importantly her tiffin were truly missed !!

I don’t know what we exactly talked about but we were always laughing.. ………laughing like crazy!!
I was quite famous for my non–stop laughters & once started, I could never check that!....& there they were always saying………” God..Sim has started again..can someone call an ambulance please!!”

Well, yes ! my name is Simran………they call me Sim !...and this is the story of my journey with the best five friends of mine ---the journey which we never intended to end !
“ but we cant even afford to fail….can we ?” 

Math Magik!!!

“ ‘a’ ‘squeeere plus ‘b’ ‘squeeere’ multiplied by ‘c’ ‘squeeere’ minus ‘d’ ‘squeeere’, divided by………..”--------- Our Math teacher Tanushree Mam!
She was quite a personality. She had a typical ‘convex’ shaped smile which was always gifted whenever we failed to solve a sum & she had this distinct style of saying ‘squeeere’ !

Math was the only subject that we enjoyed thoroughly and also did sincerely.
Calculus was the obvious favorite.
“………indefinite integration without integration constant is meaningless….keep that in mind & do problem no.s 19, 20, 23,…36……”
And we instantly got busy doing them.
Slow whispers were there……
“…….how do you do that?.....finished the 3rd one?.......which one?...show me the 1st …….” and with such joint ventures we finished it on time !
It was a rapid class & I loved it.!

We also had Math class with Shikha Mam. It was boring & attendance was remarkable……
10 out of 85 students
36 out of 85
51 out of 85……….” F – I – f – t – y o – n – e ! What happened yaar ? ! So many students? ! ! “

It was the 2nd class on ‘Tangent–Normal’ and we were absent on the 1st class without reason, naturally things were making tangents or rather … bouncers over our head ! !
We were given certain class–work to do ………
“……..well….this one ….look equation of tangent is required ……..so we can ….you know we can ……….ummmm……..what can we??” I was lost !
“Lets draw the figure 1st …the circle ……….now the tangent….yes done..” Gujju was suddenly smiling triumphantly……..know not why!!!!
“Ha so?.........whats their to smile? !”
“Oh! Yaar ….you people are pure dumbos !....we need to find…”Niky stopped abruptly.
“Find what?”
“No…..nothing .i guess I’m stupid…”
“Nothing to guess…….we know you are !”
Shikha Mam was looking at us from time to time with suspicious eyes.
We were drawing circles…tangents…..scratching them out…again passing on to the next sum………..all the time…with Mam staring at us with coldly……..she was always so cold !.We wondered if she ever felt hot!!!!.....& she could be terribly harsh if she wanted ! ! !.......
.........we were trying so much to hide ourselves behind other girls………but we were too big ! ! .hmph !

Back Home....

Back home !
We were busy in our ‘hour–to–hour’ missed call programme !
There had been a nice one liner to which I was a terrible follower………
“Early to bed, late to rise….
Makes a girl funky, freaky & wise..!!!...”

It was 8’o clock in the morning. I was still in bed. I could see my cell-phone glowing red……
Several missed calls………
Niky -----5.35am (she has insomnia ! sure ! …god ! that is the time for my ‘midnight dreams’ ! )
Gujju-----6.10am ( these are problematic girls , I tell you !! )
Anu -------7.59am ( well , I have a friend there ! )
Mahi’s number was always busy , giving missed calls to so many boys all round India ! ….. too bad that she is not till famous internationally! !

After sending few missed calls & messages, I was again ready for the school – hours ahead !

my Lab-Partner!!!!!

Sakshi --- my lab–partner !
She was too short, too thin, having big teeth, wearing ‘Gandhi–style’ specs…………on the whole she was quite like those cartoon–figures!
And the most shocking news about her was, as Gujju told me , with her eyes dancing………………… “Sakshi is a lesbi..!!!!”
It was our 1st practical class……..chemistry practical !
Prerna Mam announced Sakhshi as my lab partner !!!..........an announcement that I had least expected !
I went to her…. “Sakshi, if you don’t have any problem, then Shagniki can work with me & you can work with her lab–partner ….yes?? “
She studied me for a few seconds…then just in one breath, she blurted out… “Look Simran, how can you say such things to me? How?...I know you don’t want me & I also never had any desire to be tagged with you…but if our fate is such , that we be partners…then why don’t you agree? Okay I know you have many loving friends.. but yes here I am too…I do not make much bad friend either…Why can’t you be my partner?..why can’t you be with me…why cant you stay with me..???”

Shocked ! I was simply shocked ! I went totally speechless after her long speech & was just staring at her like a ‘ dumbo’ !!
Gujju whispered in my ears.. “looks like she has grown very possessive about you in a short time!!...have a good time with your lesbi, dear !!! “
I gritted my teeth, wanted to kick her ! !

chit passing & Ishani mam's 'pachka'

“Whose class is this?” Gujju was not in a mood to attend class anymore !
“ yaar …this is Ishani mam’s class ! No ‘chaaap’……Mahi was full of energy !
“Self – proclaimed OFF ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !” I threw my hands up in the air !

Ishani mam----our physics teacher was a sublime lady..she was a strong believer in ‘ non–violence’ strategy and never scolded us……a ‘ Gandhi-follower’ we assumed ! ! !…”..if you don’t want to listen to me , you are free to do anything…I’ll teach myself only…but whatever you do, please don’t shout..” & she turned to face the board and never again faced us!!!....we LOVED her ! ! ! !

We were ready with small chits of paper as she entered the class.
“…….the Polygon rule goes like……….if ‘ n’ sides of a polygon , having ( n+1 ) sides , be represented as vectors , then the ( n+1 )th side ……………”---thus went on our ‘ beloved’ Ishani mam .

We were busy passing chits ! !
“……….yesterday I talked to him till 2a.m …..you know, he is very angry that I didn’t call him that day…I was sooooo touched….he is pure romantic, you know……….this Saturday when I went out with him..he wanted to kiss me this hard !!...how did you find him?....he is handsome , na?....sooo cool …he rocks, I tell you Sim….” Etc etc…..
Mahi was crazy over her latest crush , Vivek ………and she was as usual babbling strange ! ! ….god knows if she will ever grow up ! ! !

“…….hey! you know that guy in my tution , told you na ! , he seems to have a crush on me ….I think so ……….that day again, when I was walking my way home ……he left his cycle and started walking with me ! well..its not enough…I know……but ..everyday ! ! ! ! ……………………………..no way Sim, I’m never going to take that stupid guy seriously……….hey! don’t pull my legs like that ..!!” This was Sona, hating each & every boy of this world !
“…boys are stuffs ……they are awful ………whole lot of insensitive people………no respect for girls & nothing….well yeah , I agree…..not all ….but majority ……just look around & you can find the examples………hate them so much ! ! “
If argued, she always told me … “Sim, you are not matured enough I tell you ………..you have not yet seen this world widely…..you are childish but when you grow up …..you will understand …..how frustrating it is to be tagged as the weaker sex…….& be a victim of ugly cruelties..”
And I agreed as I grew up !

“…which guy in our physics tuition, you think looks best ? ……….i think its Dev……..but he has a bad body odour…whenever he enters the room, it smells dirty !” Gujju was always funny.
“..oh! that smell…..I thought that was yours..! “..I pranked .
“I use costly perfumes, you know …..But Dev looks good, na ? You know he broke his leg & he…”
God ! she talked about him so much . But then also I never suspected her ! I was ‘sooo’ innocent, you see !!

“What’s on with your life ?......any recent breakthrough??..........any spice???! !” Anu always kept it simple.
And then she always started with her usual worry… “do I bore people a lot?”
This was her problem. She always under-estimated herself. She was a bit shy & she felt inferior about that !
“….I know Sim , I can’t mingle in that way…I can’t crack jokes and always laugh like you…..you are so full of life. Everyone loves you….but I …I just can’t ….I feel bad Sim “
“Come on Anu …..everyone is different in this world…..you are best in your own way…we all love you being shy…why do you worry?....you are ‘choooooo chweeeet’…..don’t feel bad like that yaar………just cheer up !” I tried to lift up her mood……..she sometimes went mad !

We all were busy, replying each others’ chits.

And Ishani Mam went on & on -----“this is vector addition …….we also have vector multiplication………in vector multiplication, we can use determinant rule …..that is , …suppose two vectors be given………………” her voice was almost inaudible & we were indeed happy for that ! !

We found interest in her class only when she taught something wrong …or got lost or confused in–between a topic ! !

It was a class on ‘ logic gates’ and she was teaching monotonously--- “……AND , OR , NOT ……..we have certain symbols to express them……..& their operation can described through truth table……..lets discuss AND gates at first ………” she turned to board and drew a figure ………..

“Damn yaar ……this is OR gate !” Niky was excited.
“Exactly ……….so non–sense !” Mahi sounded equally excited…….she always was whenever she found anyone wrong !
We shouted all together “Mam this is OR gate ..not AND !” ..and then silently added “ can we better get a break please !”
Her face was then worth looking…………she did not know what to do ……she would start opening whatever books she got in a hush….adjust her hair……..give us confused looks ………….she was a total confused lady !
“God ! Look at her face !”
It was clear from her face …she was annoyed ……& that satisfied us ! !

Crashed Crush!

October month. We had a full month of puja holiday !

Our normal school again started after October………. & it was a long break for us !
Niky had lots to say. She passed a chit of paper towards me.
“I have had a crush !” I could almost feel her eyes twinkling even without staring at her !
“Wow ! so you did !!!!!!....tell me more !” I never understood how people get such crushes!.....I never could find a guy worthy for that ! !
“He was a guy in our tour..he was with our travels….i just can’t get over him ! “
------Niky was back from her Kashmir tour with a huge crush on this guy !
“Whats his name? What made you fall for him……..give me some details gal!” I was bit excited …..as I never understood this thing !!
“Dodo ! …….he is a hot–bod……great figure……..& his eyes …….. O my god! I think I fell for that only………..they are so …..so …………oh !.don’t ask me yaar….”.! ! !
Niky was mad ! She had gone complete crazy. She showed us his photograph though the snap was just too bad and we could hardly get a clear idea of how he looked like ! ! We pranked her…. “so our dear Niky is in love , is she??” & each time she would go red and during one of the classes she would pass another chit saying, “ hey! Sim, i really wanna get over him yaar….may be he has no single feeling for me!. I would be heart-broken!”

end of half-yearly & Mahi's tears!!

However, with our Half Yearly exam ahead, we all got busy with that ! the days of half yearly exam got completely blacked–out from my memory…….they were tough , hard………………………good to forget , I guess !!

Our Half Yearly exam was just over & this was the 1st time we realized how tough class xi–xii could be !
Results were out and we felt sick to our stomach……..marks were terrible…some just managed to pass, some failed in one or two ………it was a massacre..& for a few days we were literally depressed------ no fun…..no masti….no CHIT – PASSING above all ! ! ……

However days of depression, and that too due to studies never stayed long !

It was just after school prayer, one day, Gujju was calling me…urgency in her voice… “Sim come quickly…..Mahi is crying ! ! “
I rushed to her desk. She was sobbing hard !
“….today, Vivek went to Kota…..he will never come back again…..he left me….he ditched me !!” she went on crying !
Her madness stunned me ! It made me laugh & feel sorry for her at the same time !
She was crying & we were laughing …she was looking rather funny .and we could not help ourselves ! !
We tried to console her ----- “Mahi , its okay ….he will call you…everything will be fine………moreover there are lots of other guys ……& you are sure to hook someone soon !” Well that was kind of inevitable & she was such an expert in that ! !

weirdos al round!!

Then the other day, Anu came school …….her face white ……she was too shaky to say anything !

San pulled out the cat from her bag ……… “ today in the bus , a guy flattered our dear Anu……..saying ‘ your eyes look nostalgic wearing that kajal…..i have been watching you lately’ !! yaar …you all should have seen Anu’s face !” San was trying to imitate Anu !
We were equally surprised !
“God ! he is a psycho?? ! ! “
“Pure psycho ! .he even insisted that I save his cell number !!” Anu said…….her eyes wide opened in shock ! !
“jiyo Anu ! jiyo ! “
“From now on we will also wear kajal in buses ….won’t we?? ! “
“Yes ! of course ! hey Anu , give us the bus no. come on !” We winced !
We were laughing hard & wondering how can anyone act so stupid !
“Guys are stupid , you know ! “
“I’m feeling so strange ……………my mom should not know, okay …” Anu was tensed ! She was like that …….too innocent to handle boys……….& we loved her for her ‘chweeeeet’ innocence ! !

Next was our chemistry practical class & I was on my way to lab with my lab–partner ‘ lesbi Sakshi’ ! that’s how we called her, obviously at her back !
We had an experiment on titration, & we were asked to do the experiment singly….i.e, no partners required ! I was relieved…..i took a place next to Gujju.
It was one of my favorite experiments & I almost finished my work…..i took my eyes off my desk ……& ….was surprised !
Each & everyone in the room including Mam & the lab–assistant were staring at me, with laughing eyes ! I turned my eyes round the room …..& there she was …Sakshi ….sobbing hard !!.....her eyes red & full of tears ! ! !
“What happened? What’s the matter ? ! ! ………”
One of our class–mates explained to me ………..Sakhshi could not perform the experiment………she went to Mam and cried, “ Mam Simran is my partner …..but…she doesn’t like me….she never stays with me…….she even changed her place ……….she always leaves me...all alone” then she cried & cried !!
I just could not believe my eyes & ears !!
Gujju flirtingly said, “she is a lesbi……..& you have got a gal , love !!
I wanted to kill Gujju !


It was another Ishani Mam’s class i.e self – proclaimed off…………& we were on with our chits ! ! !

“…………you don’t know , how it feels when you cannot check your craziness for someone…..but you know you have to ……its frustrating ……I try to deviate myself always…….and then my half yearly result…….everything around me making me depressed every now & then……you understand na, Sim?” Niky was really hurt…….her crush was doing worse to her ………
“..1st crushes are always tough ……..i mean , people say so……but I’m sure you will get over it …….just be patient you know……”I tried my best to help her but I was not sure if I succeeded.
“You know, he has come to know about my feelings and he rang me yesterday, giving advises and all that stuffs !”
“advises!!..means what??”
“He asked me to concentrate on my studies…rather than bearing foolish crushes on people ! How can he speak so indifferent and rude !?”
“He is not being rude …but may be he is just trying to help you get over it!!” man! I seriously didn’t know what I was talking about !
“Yeah! You are right ! He want to get rid of me ! …besides you know he has a girlfriend !”
“Well, then that explains ! You have to control! You know !!”
“ I know ! But its just pushing me so hard !”
“Don’t lose your heart Niky ! ..you will get over it..i am sure !”

“Hey howz that bus–guy, huh?.....did you ring him??....hmmmm…?” I was trying some fun with Anu.
“I have deleted his no. from my phone–book …..! !”
“Ohf oh ! Anu ………when will you grow up, baby ??” I gave her a naughty smile!
“You need to grow up earlier, dear …” She looked at me with stern eyes!

Next class was off ! And we sat down obediently to listen to Mahi’s newest love story..! ! ! !
From the day Vivek has moved out, we have waited for someone to enter her life!!!.........Mahi was always like that & we could never stop her !

Well, this is the great grand–child of Rabindranath Tagore & he has proposed Mahi, as per her version ! !
“Mahiiiiii, saying lies……..okay ………..but come on yaar …….lies should also make some sense …..come on !!”
“This is true !”
“O really ……..so he also keeps long beards…just like ‘Tagore the great’, we guess”
“Please yaar……”
“And writes poems as well ………..right??”
“Ok fine ! …..you people don’t need to listen” she turned her back ! She was angry & it was one of my greatest pleasures to watch her angry face !
“hey Mahi, got angry ?………come on …tell us ……….so what did that great grand child of Tagore say???...............” ! ! ! !

Mood down!

It was one bitter day that, our two old friends---Richa & Vishakha had some wrong arguments with us, about not seeing them much…… & ……it, strangely turned out to be serious……the sweetness suddenly vanished ! ! It often pinched me & that day, I was very off ! I was so gloomy …..i even did not feel like talking to anyone…………quite strange no doubt….as I was always a ‘ chatter–box’ in our group! Everyone was shaking me…….. “what’s the matter , yaar?...............it doesn’t suit you , Sim….come on ! Cheer up……..such a zombie faces!!! Why yaar?”
“Nothing ! Can we please leave it?” I was shocked myself, that I could speak so harsh just because I did not feel good !
“No matter what Sim, we all want you to ‘live,laugh & love’ as you say ……right?”
I remained silent !
“Come on Sim ! We love you ! Share it or spare it !” this was Niky , always making me feel good & helping me in any way, right from my oldest days! !

Che-mystery & Gujju's luv!!

Prajukta mam was the best chemistry teacher I ever found in chemistry!. She was a very enthusiastic teacher and had a certain aura about herself! She explained everything with a remarkable ease that made her my favorite !
Still… we could never discover why we felt so sleepy in her class in spite of her fab–teaching !!
“I think…she uses sleeping-powder spray as her deodorant!!” I gave a sheepy smile !
“..Einstein..eh??....!!!...” Anu gave me a dirty grin!
I was just about to punch Anu…Mahi gave me a scornful look…gritted her teeth….n whispered…. “Princi at back…shut up !”
Princi……i.e. our principal is like that…always playing ‘tom n jerry’ with students..!....her habit is as strange as she is & her peculiar hairstyle ! ! !

Prajukta mam was teaching us “chemical equilibrium”------
“…so the forward and the backward reactions……in this case the reactions must be reversible…o.k. class, next day we will start with ‘law of mass action’…just go through the chapter once….”
“Mam can you explain the Daniel cell once more…the salt bridge portion?!”
This was one teacher whom we loved to ask questions and put up our problems ...and our demands were fulfilled satisfactorily and instantly!!

But yes…the sleepy evil was right there!!
Gujju & Anu were in a yawning competition!
San almost seemed drunk !
I was fighting to keep my eyes open….and Mahi was giving ‘drug–addict kind of smile’ from time to time….with her half eyes opened ! ! !

The bell rang !....we all put our heads down…..deciding a good nap…….but to our surprise all our sleepiness vanished…..! ! !

Next was Dipu’s class …..Dipu i.e Dipsha mam……..our other chemistry teacher. She was so sweet and dear …….that we called her ‘Dipu’!..She was so polite…it was very easy to gossip in her class…naturally we loved her..!!

“How much did we do in our last class???”
Dipu always asked this question….and we never knew the answer! !...At least we “six” never knew what she taught or what she is teaching !
Busy people…we were …you know……!
“you all never remind me last-class lessons…from now on, I will give this responsibility to some one ! …a..a…..yes…Simran..what about you???”

I was checking out Niky’s personal diary….with my mouth stuffed with paratha (thanks to pri..!..)
I stumbled….almost fell down …. “yes…mam…ofcours…no …I mean…mam me?!!.....yes..right…o.k.…….” I fumbled & mumbled.!
I opened my copy…and kept staring at the board with sulky eyes…….and my five buddies were too busy laughing at me!!...hate them!!....ughhhh..!

Gujju promised me to let off her ‘ secretest – secret’ that day ! She passed me her personal diary…..under the desk… “you read it…….I’ll listen to Dipu for you today…….happy??”
Love her!

“I have only 1 name in my mind …………Dev Saxena….” That’s how the first page if Gujju’s diary started ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I stared at Gujju ...my eyes wide–opened with a shocking surprise! ! !

Two minutes later I was laughing so much……..I was kind of rolling on my seat! ! !
Niky, Mahi, Anu , San were looking puzzled….they still did not know about Gujju’s fishes!!
Gujju is in love with Dev ! That weirdo of our physics tution!...god ! ! ! ........i just couldn’t believe!...i couldn’t help giggling and feeling surprised ! ! ...it was such a shock!

Nest day we decided we all should have boy friends in our college time……
Niky had her weird suggestion…
”we would advertise……wanna cool boy friends!”
“By hanging posters in the college campus…” Anu joined !
“…and wearing T–shirts ..written on it.. ‘boy friend vacancy here’ ! !....i tossed my idea with a wince !
“Sim I wish you do it….I fear…you will never change that stupid decision of yours about never being in love!!.....crazyyy”…Gujju is too much in love these days………Dev has his effect ..i guess!!


It was a December Friday ! We had school – EXCURSION ! ! We all reached the school within 8am, as asked by the authority but there was no sign of the school–buses that would take us to our destination!!

We were waiting in our school ‘garage–hall’ !
“Lets play something!!”……yeah…we were childish! !
“Catch me if you can.! !..”…Mahi was already running fast………
……………….childish smiles flashed on our faces as we went on running in rounds…trying to step on each others shoes…! ! ! ! !
“TYPICAL WEIRDOES!!”……Niky was never much into these hip–hops ! !

The buses came around 9.45a.m ! ..........there were three buses…
We were the last ones to board the last bus…..(as usual)……!
Our bus had no music……. “NO MUSIC! ! !”…

But nothing was a problem for us ……we started singing at the top of our voices..! !
It was more a scream then a song……………And it was fun!!!....
“aashiq banaya aapne……..dus bahane…….kajra re……..maa taka de…barandae roddur……………” we went on & on…..!!

Mahi hid my hairclip….and I had to keep my curls untied…….
“you look trendy this way..yaar!”……..
“No oiling helps dear!”
And we had quite a fight on that hair-clip!
“Typical weirdoes” Niky commented !

Gujju was unusually quite in the bus….looking out of the window..silently..!!!
“..missing your sweetheart dear??.......... ‘choooo chad’..no calls from him yet??......o dear too bad…na?...”
For some days Gujju was truly on with Dev………& we didn’t miss our chance to pull her legs ! !
Anu had some ‘ paratha – sabji’……..&… we had our “ always – hungry stomach”...& it was well adjusted…her food-box was taken care of by us..!!!
San was changing her hair–style now & then……flaunting her beautiful, silky hair ! !

We reached Chandan-nagar museum in almost two hours……
There were lots of things……sculptures…paintings…terra–cotta figures…stones…beads……..ancient furniture…tables...chairs….tea-pots…wine glasses & bottles…ancient documents---some hand–written on paper, some on clothes……….and lots of other things..!

In a big hall–room, decorated with various paintings & models of ships & other historical evidences…was a man (with a woman’s voice! )….describing ancient Chandan–nagar ‘ history’ ! !.........(..lolzzz! ! ! !..)
He pointed towards a route–map……
“This is the way by which the English merchants attacked Chandannagar……these ship models...as you can see……are some of the most significant features of that period…………”
He went on with his remarkable nasal…feminine voice..!! ………his lecture was too monotonous…but his voice was equally funny---- the only reason we strained our ears to listen to his lectures ! ! !......

Around 12.30pm, we boarded the bus again………..heading towards Chandan-nagar KMDA park !

We formed a music band “ The Villy Babes”----We were translating the hindi songs into English …………
“kajra re kajra re mere kaale kaale nayna
mere nayna mere nayna
goes like---
“eye-liner eye-liner my blacky blacky eyes
my eyes, my eyes …you hide in my eyes…..”
aashiq banaya aapne goes like-------
“you made me a love.e.e.er
you made me a love.e.e.er
you made me a lov..e.e.e.e.e.e.e.er………..
without you empty empty my arms
without you thirsty thirsty my eyes …..
without you , without effect my ways………..without you….”
Yes!!.....we were MAD……….& we proved that alwayZzzz !!!

KMDA park was a decorated piece of land…there was a resort house, a lake, some garden-chairs, few shops, a fountain…etc…but it was more fun to watch the couples there…rather than enjoying the nature ! !.......lots of couples were there…holding hands…hugging…& creating scenes …which appeared more interesting than the beautiful fountain, rare plants and all! !
....no doubt we were on our mission to disturb them ! !........
A ‘couple’ was “busy” among themselves behind some bushes…we walked straight towards them...sat by them….and with perfect nuisance, started singing……… “Do dil mil rahe hai…magar..‘KHULLAM KHULLA’…” ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . .
Behind many bushes we found such alluring targets ….and pissed them all till they left the place with red-face ! !...and each time hi-fived each other with laughing outbursts..!!

There was one artificially made hilly area…we climbed that and found some guys playing football there !....one of them threw the ball intentionally towards us and it hit right on my head ! !
“Did it hurt ya...sis..?” They had a nasty tone..!
“Know your limits…okay” Mahi was angry…& shouted on my behalf..!
“..awww…got hurt?..soft toys! !” the guys were disgusting !
“…wanna some hard doze…right bastards??”
Mahi was not at all ready to let the thing go…she went on shouting at them !....at last she gave up…but continued to curse the “bastards”…and asked me every now & then if that ball really hurt!!!!!!............. Man ! did i ever knew that she loved my “head” so much! !...oh! Never know when to love this “mental” ! !......

We had our lunch with fried rice, dal, chicken, fish fry……we also had cold drinks, kurkure, chips, chocolates, ice-creams, bhel-puri, phuchka…….god knows, when we actually stopped………it was strange….our appetite never died….even our diet-conscious ladies---Niky and San raced with the list!!..

We were busy taking our own snaps…in strange poses and stupid faces….suddenly Sanjana Mam intervened in our ‘fun-filled photo-session’ ….. “If you people are completed with that...can we begin some of our excursion-work??”
Shefali Mam was discussing various trees and flowers ….some rare grasses and trees……….of which I had least interest…!..
San was listening patiently….as if subjected to gradual doping--Biology-drug! ! !.......she was a BIO-freak ! !.....has everything else in the world vanished??....has the world ended??...last but not the least….are all those poor creatures named ‘boys’ extinct?...that she is in love with BIO ! ! !..I wanted to ask her…but she was too engrossed with that bio-lecture…as a consequence poor Anu had to bear with me and my stupid questions ! ! .... “don’t gimme that face Anu …I have a point….watsa??”
Gujju was observing an insect for near-about 20 minutes ! !…
“Looks familiar….na??” she lifted her face and asked as I strolled to her side !
”hmmm….bit like that Dev…of yours ..! !” I laughed !

It was a long day and it was full of ‘masti’ ! !.......we screamed and shouted lots, giving our throats a bad time..!!…………we rocked ‘n’ rolled…and we even made our teachers dance with us in the bus!!!.........

New Year Googly!

Year 2006 ! !
New year ! ! ! !
HAPPY NEW year ! ! ! ! !.......
We gave each other long hugs ! !...
“wait…we need some new year resolution…..some unique ‘Super-six’ resolution ! !” I tried to make ourselves feel important ! !...
“..to break each resolution made….wat else??”….
Suits us perfect….we hi-fived each other and went out planning for some kind of celebration ! !....

However, our new year started with an ‘extra-warm’ welcome note from our ‘dearest-of all’ teacher Sugandha Mam !
Sugandha Mam was the embodiment of discipline in our school! She was tough, not only in her behavior but even in her appearances ! Stiff and hard, as she was, she made us nervous ! She never smiled and always treated us like her victims ! She was like a tigress ready to pounce any moment ! She never forgot to be present at the school prayer-hall at 11.15 sharp and her only job there was to gift fierce stares to us at the very beginning of the day !

It was just the day after 1st jan ! Mahi and I was wandering around the school-building during one of the off-periods ! We saw Niky and Anu coming downwards searching for us !..
“Lets frighten them !” I suggested !
We hid behind a pillar, keeping an eye on them ! As Niky and Anu approached towards us…we bumped on them with a loud ‘dhaapppa’ followed by chaotic outbursts of laughter !
I turned to high-five Mahi and found her staring with horrified eyes ! Even before following her eyes, I knew what must have happened ! Mahi grabbed my hand, trying to make an escape which could have worsen the matter ! I stopped her and turned to face the ‘demon’!
Sugandha Mam was standing right there …with her ever cold eyes burning us !
“Sorry Mam!”
“What exactly you think it is??....any kind of fish market??...shouting and laughing like anything…you lunatics ! !”
She turned to Niky and Anu --- “you two may go back to your classes and let me deal with these two nuisance!”
They obediently made their way up the stairs. We could see them standing round the corner of the stairs, watching us over Mam’s shoulder and flying best-of-luck wishes towards us ! … something was bottling inside ! I needed to laugh badly!.. I forced my eyes away from them…
“What kind of punishment you want for creating such a chaos here??.....eh?”
I was wondering who is actually creating a chaos!
We preferred to keep silent !
“Hold your ears and stand right here, right now !”
Man!..holding ears in xii-standard do embarrass you a lot ! We were hesitating !
“Hold ears..NOW !”
God! Does she know, she shouts louder than us??...I wanted to ask her! Instead I held my ears and stood, feeling an utter fool of myself ! Mahi followed my action !
Sugandha Mam walked back to her room with stormy steps ! as soon as she vanished Nikky , Anu , San appeared, giggling hard !
Every moment we tried to relieve our ears, Sugandha Mam appeared from where god knows ! Ultimately she came and asked us to go back to our class, warning us --- “any further nuisance from you…and I would sue you both !”


Our Bengali teacher, Sulagna mam taught us –“bangle shahityer itihaash”…
The 1st benches always took the dictation…….while the other benches never bothered !...specially, we the last benchers, were always shouting & screaming ! !...it was even hard to realize that a teacher existed in the class ! !..

“hey, did u read FPS??...wasn’t it amazing …..???????”
Five Point Someone…a new story book that the craze among us ! !...(and dis was 1 book that inspired me a lot 4 working on this stuff!! )
“…don’t ask me yaar...take my word, Chetan Bhagat is a hero….love him so much….” I really freaked !!
“..Hey you know…he even looks so cute??...” Mahi grinned!!
“…awww Mahi… ‘chooooo chaaaaaad’….he is married…too bad for you..na?”
“don’t be a dog!”
“o ya ya..i know you are terribly devoted to that boyfriend of yours…! ! ....well…what’s d latest trap called eh?”
“What do you mean???”
“Trap...yaar…I mean boyfriend….oopssss ! !...........forgot the name..! !”
“You forgot your would be ‘jiju’s’ name?? ! ! ! . . . . shame on you…shame..”
“So he is the final one????????”
“ya almost..”
“No way gal...I know your heart cries out seeing all the single, lonely guys around…..you are so compassionate…! ! !”
“Hey! are you guys trying to make fun of me???” Mahi narrowed her eyes!
Now that’s Mahi for you…she can be so sweet & stupid at times that you will want to love her in spite of her cracked mind…! !
“..Whatever Mahi...today you just say it…all the names of boys you fell for starting from the first…”
“Sim are you mad?.....this whole day will pass…her list of boys will never end. I know……its kind of endless ! ! !”…Gujju wiped her face and gave me a serious face!!..
“Hey friends! Everyone know na….who is that lucky crush of mine!!”..Niky gave a twinkle!
“ya ofcours! that cartoon weirdo….tamahomey…lolz ! ! “
“WEIRDO!!!.....who TAMAHOMEY?????...........go and consult a psychiatrist..will you??”
“I don’t know any who would check up even cartoon weirdos! ! “
“ofcours they will when they find you…..hmphhh! ! “
“Sim enough of others leg pulling o.k?.......now you just let the cats out of your bag….yes?”
“Hey! I don’t keep those creatures in my bag…….! !”..I winced…!!..I hate cats…!
“True yaar…….I don’t get it ..Why don’t u have any crush?????!!..i get crushed every now & then…and you ! ! !”
“Well…umm now what can I do…I never came across a single sensible guy, you know.!”
“Look Sim crush in our age is as normal as taking food everyday!!.....as a matter of fact, it’s a hormonal issue….the adolescent hormones that get secreted inside our body are hugely responsible for it…such a biological explanation……..in fact, it is normal…anything otherwise is abnormal!!...you SHOULD have some crushes yaar…..in fact…” and it went on n on…
San is sure to be a lecturer…you give her a single scope….& time will fly like seconds listening to her long & unfortunately, boring lectures ! !.....and god knows why don’t I have a single stupid crush ! !......ughfffffff..!!!

Food Ventures...!!

Gujju was a tremendous path finder and a fabulous “shop-hopper” ! She asks for non-veg dishes in veg restaurants and vice-versa..!!..and she always chose me as her favorite whenever she wanted to make a “bakra” of herself ! !

It was a cloudy day! She decided to take me to a shop which she knows to produce “yummy mughlai-s”..!.. ‘trust me Sim, you wil keep licking ur fingures” ! ! !
In no time , rain started…we had no umbrellas…..but we did not give up our indomitable urge to have ‘mughlai-s’…we got drenched…but we moved on.! !
We tried to take shelter under some tree…..we even gushed inside a telephone booth….but it was too small to help both of us…. “Gujju, you are getting fat...I guess!”

We were walking in rounds…down the same lanes again and again, with Gujju trying to find her “BEST” ‘mughlai-shop’ ! !
“Where is it yaar??.....
“Its here only…just about finding the right lane..”
“I appreciate that strangely intelligent thought of yours!!....but can you find it a bit quicker…me getting tired ! ! ..”
“Be a sport Sim….just follow me…come on….”
And I was her blind follower !

To my shocking surprise , she took me to “BIKANER BHUJIAWALA”…and that too for “mughlai” ! !
“Is this your favourite mughlai shop??”! I just couldn’t believe her! ! I was just wondering if it was 1st april and if she was trying to make me the fool of the day ! !

“Yes…I’m sure ! You will find mughlai here…” she was still firm and overwhelmed about her “best Mughali shop” ! !

“Gujju…this is a vegetarian food shop!..never anyone has made any non–veg here..!!..you are out of your head..! ! “

“ yaar Sim …this is the one…I’m telling you…you know, what actually happened, one day………when I was in class-ix…Jeenat took me here and you know what.,.,…..” she went on and on with her story ! ! …. “Okay you just ask once…”
I asked the shop keeper !
And I guess my question seemed to him as the biggest joke ever heard..he laughed mockingly….and gave me a look as if………..i have asked for a bottle of wine in a ‘mother–diary milk shop’ ! !
Wanted to kill Gujju….arrghhh ! !

Anyway we left ‘bikaner bhujiawala’ feeling rather funny ! !
“You are so stupid Gujju…..and you make me look like a ‘bakra’…! ! “

Our school got over by 5pm and it was almost 8pm due to this ‘mughlai – hunt’ ! I was pretty sure, mom would greet me home with a damn “good” mood ! !

It was another day --- we had half-day in school and she wanted me to have some ‘samosa-s’ with her…and that too in her “ best samosa shop” ! !
And man ! I still trusted her ! ! !
Sun was right on the head…it was very hot…and we were scorched ! but that was never a reason for Gujju to leave her expeditition to her “BEST” shops !

And this time she took me to “Teenage-Freak-Out-Zone” ---- an air – conditioned, polished and furnished restaurant…where I doubt if samosa has been ever made…..or even never had been ordered..i guess! ! ..
“Man, this is not a place where you come for those samosa-s ! ! “
I was terribly shocked !
I did not know what to do !
“Should we sit??”

Menu card was given.
Least priced food-plate was bhatura – Rs 10/-
We had 15Rs in our pockets ! !

“Two plates of Bhatura…!” Gujju gave the order !
The attendant was as much shocked as I was ! Gujju is really in need of some brain….so many days passed and she is still working without any of that stuff ! !

“Only Bhatura??! ! …well..that means, only paratha?...no side dish ??.! !” the attendant asked wide-eyed !
Gujju gave me a confused look !
“Well…yeah of course not….well…give us 5 more minutes….! “

The attendant left us...surely laughing at us..!
“Let’s get out of here !” Gujju bent over the table and whispered as if upto some conspiracy !
Till then I didn’t speak a word ! I was just a bit too amused watching Gujju and promising myself again and again, this to be the last food – venture with her ! !
Next moment we were on the street…trying hard to control our “out-of-control” laughters ! !

But I really owe it to Gujju ….it’s her funny expeditions which contributed towards adding shades of “shameless-traits” in my character..which is a true need of present time , I tell you ! !

post-xam masti!

Our class-xi annual exam just being over, we were blowing the air cool ! !
Our career status was low…but our ‘adda’ status was still very up ! !

It was one such fine day …we had a get-together at Mahi’s place !

“Why so late??” Mahi was impatient.
“Guess what !...I had to spend one precious hour in the ‘big-bathroom’ today !”
I was having constipation….never mind…ugh !
“Oh! Your regular course !”

We were babbling and babbling and babbling ! !
“Lets play something now!”...this was one of my staple one-liners which I always used whenever I got bored by babbling !
We were playing “truth dare”…a game which demands you to be honest and daring !
It was Anu’s chance of taking dare..!
“Okay cut your hair! !” …..Her long black hair was alluring !
Of cours Anu would not do such thing …….and we were running in rounds behind her with a scissor in hand…..determined to cut her hair which we even did..! ! …though to our utmost disappointment could not play much trick to her hair….she made such a helpless face….we had to let her go..!!
And man ! Can anyone believe…..I even had to crawl the floor as a part of that game….
“Catty move..babey……….you are turning me a lesbo ! ….arree arree…don’t stop Sim…spice up with some sexy pouts ….dear” ! !
San can be such a dog sometimes ! !

We were daring ….i tell you ! !
We even had a small debate ------- “ should pre–marital sex be supported or is it a pollution to the society? !..” No doubt the person behind bringing up this weird topic was none other than Niky…the weirdo ! !

Anu was soft on the issue ……… “well…I think its okay………if you are sure to marry that person …I mean…you see…..aa..well….”
Niky was dead against the topic “course you cannot call it a pollution if a person can love a person before marriage,then why not sex..?..it is very much related to love…if love does not pollute society ..then how come pre-marital sex?....well..no..i don’t agree !”
San tried to say many things at the same time without specifying her point (as usual) ! !
“Well...you know…..its okay to do such a thing…….but again a certain level of risk….and again the society…….but if…protection……..but again control…self-control…I mean such a thing….its a moment actually you get weak….but …well……..a.a.aaa…..”
Gujju seemed to be too puzzled to let the ends meet…
“Okay….lets not tag it as pollution ..”
I was confused ! I never actually thought about it that way…and such suddenly asked questions always confuse me !
“..well….i don’t know what is so fuss about it…………if it is so much controversial ……what is the need of this thing called ‘sex’…moreover, this thing does not appeal much to me as well..! !” I shrugged my shoulder !
“Oh!.no ! These things are needed…………leave it..not your cup of tea..! ! “
I agreed to San !
Of course, not my cup of tea ! ! And I didn’t liked the idea of ‘drinking the tea’ from their cup either ! !

We had some good lunch at Mahi’s place…..one of the special dishes was ‘raita’……….which was completely finished by our ‘diet-miss’ Susan !

Mahi’s apartment had a tanky at the roof-top ! It had a flat–wide top and we climbed it up and were jumping from it again and again ! It was fun ! More fun followed when I gave a long jump wearing Anu’s high-heel shoe….which inevitably got torn off ! !
“well..not at all my fault..you see…fault is in your shoe yaar…!” I winced !
And Anu never complained…always encouraging my nuisance !
Love her !

Mahi introduced us to her neighbor–hood friends ---
Rishi……a fat black huge guy !
Mimi……a sweet girl with specs !
Ayan…a shy guy who kept distance from girls !
And there was also..…Aindri….our school-mate whom we all know !
We shared ‘hi’..’hellos’…………and in no time Sugni and Aindri started a debate on Rishi ! !
Mahi was saying.. “Rishi is a very bad guy…in fact worse…!”
Aindri burst out.. “never he is quite a good guy..!”
Mahi snapped.. “Good?...doesn’t he run after girls all the time…leaving every of his work !”
Aindri immediately fired..”ya true…..but at heart he is very clear..and….”
Mahi crossed… “clear at heart!....don’t say that…”
This went on and on……seemed to be end-less !........Mahi was shouting in one ear…..and Aindri in the other…& Rishi----the centre of this debate was watching the show silently…….smiling sheepishly !
“Man…you are quite a controversial guy….I guess !”….at this he gave me a broad grin replacing the sheepish smile ! And both of the fighting ladies stopped !
Relief to our ears ! !

We had loads of fun !....and at the end of day came back home beaming with joy !

end of xi

We were on our way to the phone-booth near our school..
On our way we suddenly panicked…we ran …we hid..we again ran..we again hid……..and then we stormed into the phone-booth !
Actually we were chased …chased by two street-dogs ! ! !

Anyway……it was the day…Mahi wanted me to talk to one of his friend… ‘Soham’……..he was Mahi’s ‘phone-a-friend’ and she went far to make him my ‘phone-a-friend’ !.........but I got to admit ….this was yet another of those disgusting guys you meet each day………ugh !
After talking to that strange ‘phone-a-friend’ , we started for some good food !

We were having chicken rolls and cold drinks at ‘Siraaj’---my birthday treat !
Suddenly all of these ‘pain-in-the-neck’ buddies of mine jumped over me…hugging…..and shouting ‘birthday wishes’ …..and pouring loads of birthday gifts on me ! !....
In fact ..I got quite a collection of earings ! !
Man ! I love them ‘choooooooo’ much !
We even bought a story-book…’Rebecca’….in order to make the day a bit more eventful….and memorable ! !

Our good days passed quickly…..and the results of class-xi were eventually out ! !
And to our greatest surprise…we all passed...and that too with 70-80%........we were happy ! !

This whole one year, we were simply freaky, funky and funny ! We were chatting…gossiping……were full of masti ! …..and never ever dared to think about study! …classes, exams, marks were our rare headaches……..( though these rare head aches were depressing ! )
It was exactly like ----
“ Classes : kahi kabhi
Exams : socha na tha
Q – paper : raaz
Copying : majboor
Marks : asambhav
Final exam : murder
Pass : ajooba ”
And we did pass ! ! ( ajooba )
But the entire picture changed with this promotion to class-xii !
We suddenly realized the huge burden….and effort required to bag a good result !


Our class-xii classes started !

“yaar…..we are in class-xii…..and still don’t know what exactly they tried to teach us in class-xi ! …lolzz”
We were in class-xii……and our class attendance was lowering rapidly..!
We attended classes only on Tuesdays and Fridays…i.e days on which we had practicals……..the strategy was to be at home and study all day long……something that never happened to work out in my case……and most of the days, I would end up pleading all these buddies to attend classes !
Very few girls used to be pesent …and the students present were punished by the teachers for the students absent ! !

“……..I really don’t understand….i mean its all so vague….but possibly……..in fact I am quite sure..you children, have certain problems……may be the pressure is inappreciably huge…educational pressure ..social pressure..and it feels bad , you know..that being a teacher also..i cant really help you…and my heart cries out for you people so much……….”

----- Our English prose teacher…Vedika Mam!
The first twenty minutes of her class was always occupied by her long lectures in her typical ‘American-English’ accent ! sometimes her lecture even continued till her class ended and then she would hire ten minutes from the next class ….and would rapidly explain one or two pages of the text….much to our annoyance !

Her lecture continued ---- “you all are like my children…and I feel the extreme pressure growing on you children nowadays ………and you know, my daughter..who is in America…she also says…. ‘mom life is so hectic and boring these days’….and truly my heart cries out so much for you all….”

We were almost worn-out with laughter…
“Hey! don’t laugh….look Mam’s heart is crying out..!” we whispered !
And there followed another round of laughter !

But Vedika Mam was kind of unstoppable!.......... “ my elder daughter…who is in Australia ……says life there is even worse…….and you know, how she is.,…very particular and very sensitive …she is doing her doctorate in America and she is like……..”
And the rest of the class was occupied with her elder daughter... “Who Is In Australia” ! !

Our English ‘ composition & unseen’ teacher was…Meghna Mam !
She was a demon in human ! ! …. An absolute terror !
-----“..where is your grammar book?...and composition rough copy?!...i told you to make separate English rough copies….did i?.....then where is it?......you make so many copies but can’t afford a single rough copy for English??...............yes...you……where is your book huh?....oh! You forgot to bring??...do you forget your lunch-box?...ever??..........english is the least priority to you science students..isn’t it?.........think yourselves very smart..huh?....now why are you staring at my face??......just get out of this class…and come back only when you have a book..and a separate English copy……….am I clear???..”

She was a terror ! We did not even dare to look at her !
And there always existed pin-drop silence in her class !

letter-writing period!

It was Ruma Mam’s chemistry class.
There were altogether thirty students present---all crowding the last benches of the room..!
“What is the matter?....why don’t you all come and sit in the front??”
“No! Mam!...we are fine…..you teach na….we are cool..” Man ! We never found ourselves stammering in front of this teacher…& she was too dear to scold us ! ! !
Ruma Mam was a topic of discussion ! Her brown maggie curls tossing every now and then...and her typical monotonous tone….it had something that we had to talk about ! !

We were just busy gossiping ! Suddenly we found Mahi hovering over her desk…doing something with utmost concentration !
“Hey! what’s she doing??” Anu whispered !
“Writing L3 to Arun, of course ! !” well…L3 – i.e Long Love Letters !
Ruma Mam’s class was always Mahi’s letter writing class ! ! She would take out her copy, stare distantly at the white–board , her eyes clam …and would think about how to start her letter !

“Class is going on ! Rain is pouring down ! Mam is teaching know not what ! The white-board sucks ! The marker pens doesn’t work ! ………….” And Mahi’s romantic letter like this, would go on & on ! !
We would read that peeping from here and there ! And would pull her leg… “jiyo Mahi ! ..Would be poet, ha? ! …hey! that great grand-child has been an inspiration…na?!...”
And you could see Mahi going red with anger and embarrassment at the same time ! !


Bell rang ! it was sharp 5pm ! school over !

Niky had a plan! She was about to call that ‘Dodo’ and try making friends with him !
“Oho ! So other style of managing him, huh??” I cooed !
“Dodo is engaged, you know !..don’t play pranks yaar! you know, its tough ”
She was hurt & I was really sorry for her …… “you are strong , dear…….don’t make such a gloomy face ..”
She was having a tough luck & we knew that she really fell in love with this ‘Dodo’ !

We were packing our bags… gibbering about anything and everything ! We couldn’t even wait for our teachers to leave the class ! It was kind of routine for us to babble a long time ..and we made sure that everyday, we be the last people to leave our class !
“Hey, I’m going, ok?..bbyee!” Gujju was hurrying off !
“What’s the matter,yaar??...not even a single student has left the class yet ! and you flying away ! ! ”Niky was curious !
“Umm…well..actually you know what …Dev is coming ..i have to meet him at the autostand….i’ll be late ! “
“Auto-stand ...a romantic place for lovers to meet.…but come on yaar…don’t forget us for him..yes?!” I was a bit annoyed !
“Exactly!...how come you give him more importance??..” Nikygave a sulky look !
Gujju could not answer !
She smiled helplessly…. “please..don’t be angry…byeee”

“This Gujju has gone completely mad …mad in love ! !” San grinned !
“And that Dev…how come he cuts short our time??!” Niky was very angry !
“Let’s kill him !” We narrowed our eyes and bit our lips in conspiracy ! !

On our way to the auto-stand, we would ponder over every shop ….and would plan to eat almost every yummy food that caught our eyes………..
“phuchka….. ice-cream……chat..bhelpuri..jhalmuri…cold-drinks…ghugni….cold-coffe…..and so on & on………..”
Every day we would quarrel…then discuss….then suggest..ultimately having nothing…..and promising each other… “tomorrow for sure…yeah yeah ….we will have something atleast tomorrow !”
Beside our school, there was a cold-drinks counter….and the counter boy was a craze among many girls....! !
And of course, when we are talking about boys, Mahi is never too far !
She was one of those many girls who found that counter-boy to be the perfect ‘chocolate-boy’ !
“Man! Its an insult to chocolates…trust me! !” I tried to confront with Mahi…at which she returned such a painful stare…I preferred to leave her with her ‘chocolate-crush’ !

Rocking Rabindra-Jayanti !!

RABINDRA-JAYANTI celebration in school !

There were lots of arrangements and decorations all around the school campus ! ….students would perform dance, sing songs, recite His compositions, enact drama etc….they were getting ready in their costumes…..preparing their lines…...practicing dance-steps …applying make-ups ... all the students, teachers and other staffs assembled….it was quite a festive. The school auditorium was hugely crowded………..
Only we---‘the super-six’ were not present ! !

The day was being observed ...but we were in the last corner room of the ground-floor of our school ! It was one of the best rooms in the school..and I specially loved it because it had many huge windows and somewhat gave a ‘teeny-flavor’ ! !

We closed the doors , made ourselves comfortable on the high-benches and settled down with large boxes full of cakes, pastries, patties…chips…cold-drinks…all that Gujju brought, as a part of her birthday treat !
We were shouting …and screaming…beating the benches like drums….singing (which was more a scream than a song as usual)....with all mouths full of food-stuffs...and the obvious result was dashing out of food-stuffs over here & there…making the place look like shit ! !

We opened up our long put-off project…i.e the ‘horror-film’ we were working !
Mahi took out a paper and short-listed few informations !
“ Sim – director
San – producer
Mahi & Gujju – script – writer
Niky – photography & editing
Anu – choreography
It was supposed to be a ghost story….a love-struck crazy woman ...kills the girl-friend of a man whom she loved ….the man goes mad…shocked at his girl-friend’s murder…the murdered woman becomes ghost ...name of the ghost—Kamakshin ...she is desperate to take revenge …but ultimately discovers herself in love with her murderer…”
Niky interrupted----“hey…her murderer was female…how can she fall in love with her..pray??...”
“ohf ho ! ..She discovered after becoming a ghost, she has turned a lesbo…simple..!” I winced !

We were hastily planning how to take the shots….who to arrange for camera and all….anyone watching us would have thought we were serious about it!...we made such serious faces !..and discussed things like real professionals!!...
“….shooting would me at my house…san would take care of the costumes & make-up…………& we can start any day….just the actors are needed to be discovered..!!”
We even started working on the music of the film ! …we planned to include the songs in our pre-formed band—“The Villy Babes” !!..We screamed any tune that came to our mind….it even helped when we sang the songs we know…our wrong notes helped us find new tunes for our film..!!...
We were crazy ! We were innovative in our own style ! And we laughed to hell at our own wackiness ! ! and even thought about forming a laughing-club ! ..We were non-stop ! But it pleased us beyond limits !

We never stopped until suddenly Anu realized someone was knocking the door hard …which we closed in order to shut ourselves from every one in the school…specially our ‘princie’ !
“Hey!..stop! ..gotta open the door!..” Anu had to shout…literally…to make us listen to her !
We were kind of afraid as we thought it was none but ‘princie’ ! Niky pushed me towards the door.. “ go!.open it !”
“noway!!!.....” I pushed Mahi who instead pushed Gujju….which moved to Anu..and ultimately San ! …we continued our ‘push-push’ game and the door continued to bang even louder & louder !..
“Hey!..Who is in there??..open the door!” it was Sardar kaku !!..
oh!..relief !
We opened the door to face a series of questions !
“Oh!..Sardar kaku…we were getting truly pissed off up there, in that auditorium..” Mahi made a boring face ! Though I was not sure if it was really so pissing ! ..We never attended the function..so obviously no question of getting pissed off due to that ! But Mahi had a straight face !
“…don’t complain kaku…..you won’t..will you??” San said with a pleading voice!
Sardar kaku gave a sheepish smile and nodded approvingly !...much to our relief !


It was Shefali mam’s botany class …ugh !
‘Bio’ seemed to be the worst subject to me. Each time, I opened the book, I felt sick to my stomach,…sick to my brain..and most of the time sick to my heart …!!!..I always cried before my ‘bio’ exams !

Shefali mam entered the class-room …my face got twisted ! ..i could see Mahi & Niky in my vision ,,,,they were possibly sitting in front of computer…happily doing their projects….they had computer science in their optional subject….so they were in different room…so happy & so safe…!!

Shefali mam was already there, trying to teach something . I tried to listen to her……
“……….so the leaves, as you just learned …can be broadly divided in two groups – simple & compound …now, in the simple leaves …the margin can be plain i.e smooth or incised..but the incisors never touch the midrib…again, the compound leaves have………” –Mam stood up from her chair , turned her back to us and started drawing various kinds of leaves on the board !

Oh! God! Why ‘bio’ bores me so much??!! I put my head down, being angry, sad and frustrated at the same time!
Bio frustrates me !!

“………and these compound leaves can again be divided into …pinnately compound leaves and palmately compound leaves ……again those leaves can be further sub-divided like……”
----she never stopped her lecture and her lecture never excited me !
I stopped listening to her and turned my attention to her moves !
She had a very strange habit of scratching her head with the end of a pen……while teaching , she unconsciously moved towards the side-by window and started teaching facing that way…as if , teaching the crowd on the street …and turned to the class only when the slow rumble took the form of chaos ! ……she had typical accent and pronounced ‘s’ with a lot of stress on it, like… ‘leavessss’… ‘groupsssss’…… ‘ssssimple’………this was interesting and I soon became occupied with her ‘sssss’ !

Sonali mam’s zoology class was even more irritating . There were usually lots of fishes…… and cockroaches…and lizards …and guinea pigs…to be dealt with in her class !
And they frustrated me equally !
I hate ‘bio’ !!

There were never any chit-passing in her class… because ??,…well you could see …………
San staring hard with her deep brooding eyes……. ( god knows ! what so interesting about ‘bio’ )
Anu was so moved by ‘bio’ lectures , she could hear nothing else until you give her a kick ! ……… ( ‘bio’ even makes people deaf??!!....i wonder ! )
Gujju sat still…hypnotized by ‘bio’ lectures !
And I was the only one blinking blankly !!

Parijal Mam’s ‘physiology’ class was , in fact , “ The Danger” !!
It botany and zoology were tangents for me …. then physiology was super-high bouncer !!
Moreover this class could see ‘rapid-fire-rounds’ ! questions were asked in random and answers were expected to be instant ! failure in giving a single answer could be followed by any kind of punishments…as per parijal Mam’s whims !!
“……………..why red muscles seem red?...characteristics of white muscle cells…conduction of synaptic impulse…..what is power stroke?....role of ATP in it??....effect of cardiac muscles in human blood pressure…..what do you mean by ‘crypts of liberkuhn’?.......................”

Thump ! Thud ! Thud ! ……I could hear my heart-beats louder than the teacher’s voice !
I was terribly afraid whenever it was anything regarding ‘bio’ !
My face grew red ! I was sweating ! automatic nervous system not working ! pulse rate increased ! blood pressure high ! grey cells suddenly died ! rapid rush of adrenaline ! !
I tried to hide my face ( this was one reason …why I always sat behind fat girls in ‘bio’ classes..!! )
Fortunately I was never the victim !

Caste Crap.!

“Do you hate me?” Gujju passed a chit under my desk!
It was Vishakha Mam’s English class ! We were as usual busy in our chit-passing game!
“huh!..for god sake!..how come you are asking such a stupid question suddenly!!??” I was taken aback at Gujju’s weird question !
“I belong to scheduled caste….now do you hate me??”
“Why on earth that would make a difference to my answer..dumbo?”
“Everybody hates people who belong to scheduled caste!”
“And what made you think so?”
“Sneha twisted her face when she came to know I belong to ‘sc’!..Darshila too hates ‘sc’s…even her parents speak so cheap about them…they think we are selfish..and mean!” Gujju put her head down!
“Hey Gujju!...what they say is not much important ….is it??”
“You know it Sim!...its not just them….many…in fact most of the people hates us!”
“By saying ‘us’ you yourself is categorizing ‘sc’s as some other group !.even if most of the people say cheap things about this cast and all..it only shows their own poverty regarding education and humanity!..so damn them….and be happy!”
“But why should be there such a division in this society??..why??...are ‘sc’s not human?...is it our fault that we are ‘sc’??..why should people accuse us of enjoying facilities ?”
“ now come on Gujju… ‘sc’s do enjoy facilities…but it is equally true that to help the backward classes , giving facilities is very important…it is just the common feeling of jealousy and hatred that makes people hate each other…”
“Does they know…that we don’t feel much good as well, taking those facilities and living as if we have been spared!”
“ Gujju…I don’t believe in giving facilities to people on the basis of caste…I feel facilities should be given on financial basis…… someone poor should not be denied of help just because he is not ‘sc’…..same way, well-to-do people should not be given unwanted advantages!...the problem is with our system….not with the people …but every one makes that same mistake and instead of reforming the system , blames each other!...”
“yeah ..you are right ! But it hurts so much when your loved ones turn their back on you just because of this caste discrimination!”
“But it is not true with us…is it??...we all love you as we used to do before……it never makes difference! Okay??”
“Yeah……….love you so much yaar…mmuaahhh!”
“ yup! Now just cheer up!...mmuaaahh to you to!!”
“ hey stop these ‘mmuaahhs’ ! If anyone chances upon this chit…he/she will think we are socialist lesbos!!”

pre-test ahead...

Month of August…… we were having more off-periods and less classes !

It was one of those off-periods ….we were sitting on the high benches….seriously busy in working out our ‘horror movie’ and ‘The Villy Babes’ ! ……suddenly Mahi came running----
“Hey guys !..pre-test starts from next week..Tuesday..i.e, exactly six days to go….it has been just declared in Arts-section!”
Oh !..No..!
It was a shock ! We were absolute panicky !
“….hey guys...we don’t more than half of the syllabus !...and how come such a short notice for this damn exam??!!.” Niky twisted her mouth in disgust !
“….this ‘princie’ is so…so……” Mahi gritted her teeth, trying to find a suitable adjective !
“ got to do sumthing yaar….say na what to do…” Gujju gace me a wild shake !
“ ya…right…like breaking limbs…so that we can get an excuse to skip exam!”even ‘the-always-practical-Anu’got wacky listening this exam news !
“Come on Anu…be practical….we cant break our limbs..that will savour us from pandal hoppings !!” Durga Puja was already in view and I made her remember that with dancing eyes !
“….but we can break our hands……that saves us both way….!” I added , smirking at my own intelligence !
“My dear cool Sim !..can we be a bit serious and plan if we can do some group studies !!???” Niky sometimes forgets to laugh ! ..
“Man! How can you be serious…when someone tells you that this funny pre-test is about to begin from next week…??” I crossed her with a mischievous grin !
“She is right Niky…this is funny….damn funny ..i tell you !”..Mahi high-fived and we both started singing-----
“ ..we shall over-FAIL..
…we shall over-FAIL..
…we shall over-FAIL this ti…me…
o ho …deep in my heart , I do belive ..
…we shall over-FAIL this time…………”
Niky started shouting at us………. Man ! she can behave so alike mummies sometimes!..her reaction only added to our laughters !!
“Hey! ..we got to include this remix-version in our “The Villy Babes” ……no?!”Gujju joined us in our madness !
“Sim has taken vow to make every one CRACKED here……just as she is !!” Niky waved her hand in air, in despair and gave a warning eye to Anu.. !!

pre-test fun!!

Our 1st day of pre-test exam ! physics paper !........ “chaap” !!

Me, Gujju & San were trying o memorize few formulae. Suddenly my lab-partner, Sakshi came hurrying, directly to me …
“Hi! Sim ! …where is your seat??..”
I pointed towards mine !
“Oh!..mine is just beside you…there !” she gave me a mysterious smile !!
I gave her a confused smile…I was really afraid of her! God knows…again if she starts crying…for know not what !
San patted my shoulder “looks like she is missing you a lot lately……couldn’t stop even between exams..!..”
“..term is about to end soon.. no!..heart is aching badly for her life-partner….oops !..lab-partner…!!” Gujju gave one of her nasty grin !
Sakshi was gone ….and even I couldn’t stop my giggles !!

Mahi came running----“hey gals!..whats going on??...how is preparation??....anyways damn preparation !..Guess wat??” Mahi seemed out of her mind in excitement!..She waited impatiently for us to guess!!
“mmm….bounced upon someone better than Arun??!!” I winced !
“No my dear ‘crack-head’ ! Arun is coming here after our exams…small date, you know !” Mahi was almost jumping on her feet with excitement !
“Mahi !...don’t be so fast yaar……your physics exam is due in ten minutes..and you are going gaga over that Arun now !!!....control gal…control !” we were really tensed for her !..We coudn’t even do any leg-pulling….but who cares?
She smiled ---“ relax babay!..just chillax ! !”

A tall guy, black complexion, face full of beard was talking to a beggar in front of café coffee day !
Mahi almost bumped, ran and stumbled as she took her position beside him ! … “ this is Arun !” her eyes shining brightly !
And we could see Arun giggling to himself !
Mahi introduced us… “ this is Gunjan…this Susan…this is Simran..this Nikita..”
And Arun was giggling and giggling …all by himself ! god knows ! why !
He was as weird as Mahi !..Not a word was spoken …nor even any ‘hi-hellos’ shared …only he giggled and smiled staring at our faces…and that too without reason !!
I almost felt an irresistible urge to tell him to get his mouth cemented…but then I knew, first I had to tighten up Mahi’s head-screws!!
On our way back to home……Mahi was bubbling with joy ! …and gibbering continuously about her ‘small date’ !
“Hey you guys !..say something yaar……did you like him or not??.......i mean how did you feel??....you know..i mean…what was the first impact on you people??.....i mean……….”
“okay!...stop!...we know what you mean !...well , look Mahi…never mind ..but gal!..he is so abnormal!!!...he laughs so much…so…so ..so much !...and without reason..without any word..he just giggled…and went on giggling !”
I was really stunned at his never-ending giggles ! This guy..Arun giggles so much and people complain about my giggles ! … “damn Mahi!..you call me cracked……look at your Arun!....I atleast don’t laugh without reason !” I couldn’t help my giggles imagining Arun’s face !
“ohf ho..! laughing is good anyway !...and he is very good at his heart ..very soft and sensitive …….and whatever laughing doesn’t need tax !” Mahi is off man !
“pity that Anu missed a terrible joke !!” Gujju winced, pinching Mahi hard!
“..and his beard ……looks so dirty !... ask him to shave…atleast when he comes for a date next time ! …” Gujju imitated to shave her imaginary beard!
“Well..that beard is actually good for him , you know !.......he told me , once he did a clean shave-up…and his mother was almost shocked at his sight..and mistook him for some terrorist !” Mahi herself laughed at the story ! and then changing her laughter to a mild pleasant smile and said.. “Moreover, don’t go by looks dear….he is absolutely beautiful within ! …guess what ..that day when I was returning from tution with him………..” she started to blurt out her research paper !!
We smiled at each other !....Mahi has resumed her craziness again !
“Mahi, you are weirdo ! and your Arun is a weirdo as well……..that way you two go well !!” this seemed to please Mahi !


With pre-test over & Durga-Puja ahead, we were looking forward for some more fun…….away from books!! ( though syllabus-books were always out and fun was always in ! )

On ‘panchami’, we decided to have a get-together at Niky’s place ! just the night before our get-together , Gujju rang , “ Sim…!” she was sobbing furiously !
“ you crying??!!” I was puzzled !
“Sim…!...mom rang Dev and she knows all about it now!”
I was shocked !
Gujju was sniffing on the other end of the phone !
“Don’t cry Gujju….what does your mom say??”
“She wont talk to me now ! … she is angry that I always lied to her about Dev !”
“Hey Gujju..dont cry..look,aunty’s anger is very much justified !..no?..you got to control now..”
“I am afraid, Sim !”
“Come on!..shaggu…you got to be strong!..tell her you are feeling sorry..and you will never repeat it again…..you know you wont …no?...she will be okay…trust me..and don’t cry..come on…it wont help!” I was really feeling very bad for Gujju. She was crying like anything and I have never seen her break like this !
“Tomorrow I have to skip that get-together, I guess !” she sounded sad !
“No!. you wont …you talk to your mom!...& I bet…it will be all right !..”
She was some what pacified !
The very next morning she came to my place , looking composed ! She was ready for the get-together and even managed to smile though it was clear she was making a tough effort for that ! I couldn’t but admire her guts!!

Niky’s place was fun!
We were playing rapid-fire rounds!
1st question was to san----- “ most romantic of your life….with Karan of course ! ...or is there anyone else as well???”
Avoiding the last part of the question…San started---- “ ummm…well actually…..you know that day …it was like…..I mean…he was looking at me…..and I just cant explain it to you people ……it was something………..something that changed my life …i mean……”
“ precisely , he looked at you …and you went dead……….he killed you with his eyes !!”
“ well..yeah…something of that sort !”
“ SAN ! …this is some sort of joke or what!” we were rolling with laughter, on the floor ! .. “Hey guys !..just imagine the scene !!..god!!..” I tried to enact! And another round of laughter followed !
San snapped !. “ I told you!..you guys wont understand!..it was not that stupid !..oh!..stop that!..” she was red ..either with anger or with embarrassment !..We did not bother to find out which ! We were too busy laughing !
“Okay! Okay! Now next question to Gujju”
“Which one you would choose between your family and boy-friend ??”
“Heyyy!...I wont allow such a situation ! no ! never !” she was trying some mock-crying !
“But suppose such a situation arises !..come on…”
“Well…I think family only….but again …oh no !...not fair you people cant give me such a confusing question !”
“Family should be the first priority ..always!” Anu declared ! She is always a family girl !

Akansha was our new friend for the day!..her question was ---- “idea of happiness”
“Well……to me…… its when you can live, laugh and love from your heart !” this was my staple one-liner and my principle since when I myself don’t remember !
“Well….it is when you know yourself and can reach your peak!” this was san, sounding ambitious always !
But Akansha’s answer was the strangest !
“Happiness to me is being married to a handsome man ..and having five children !” she declared proudly !
“Man! Am I having fever…or is it really hot today?!!.....this is your idea of happiness !!!” I couldn’t help laughing !!
“O yeah!..it is !” she had an unwavering faith in her happiness !
“Well!..atleast don’t try achieving this happiness in India…five children and all!...India is already over-populated , you know!” Niky advised !
“Okay!...so now, I know the secret of such huge population is India !!” I grinned at Akansha !

Suddenly San became very serious !..She was like that…could bring a hell of seriousness all of a sudden when every one else is having fun! She would turn her grave black eyes, sounding none other than granny and would continue to deliver her weird observation of the moment, wrapped in her favorite psychological explanation !
She started----- “Sim, I have been noticing you for the past few days…”
O god! So I am the victim this time !!
“………its not that I dint notice you before…but these days you seemed to strike me a lot !...you have changed Sim…yes, you have changed ! ………”
No one ever interrupted when San started speaking !..It was either her excellent ability to deliver speech that numbed others or may be people felt too lazy to interfere her lectures because that could call for a lot of explanations from her side !
Hence she went on ---- “ …I don’t say you have changed for bad !...its not that you have lost your qualities….but you have grown to handle certain issues differently !...like nowadays sometimes you lose your temper which you never did before ………and at the same time you have become a lot more sensitive about everything...and that includes your friends as well…”
“I always was , dear” I gave her a small hug , thinking that could end it here !..
“…and you know what…what I like the most in you……….you are serious and funny at the same time ….a quality that’s so rare !!...”
She was in one of her best lecturing moods, with all her philosophy and psychology beaming in her eyes !!
“ Hey ! you mean multiple personality???!!” Niky suddenly regained her enthusiasm !
“ O yeah!.i need that Sydney Sheldon book… about multiple personalty!..what was the name??”
“Anu!...you haven’t read ‘tell me your dreams’ yet??....go to hell…..read it yaar!...its too good!..” and with that San was stopped !

We gossiped and gossiped ……sometimes serious, sometimes funny……..sometimes mischievous !
We even had a dress session !!
Niky was wearing a cute pink three-quarters ..I tried that ! San took a chance with that too ! She was wearing a baggy trouser …it was so big that I could wear it putting two trousers underneath !! We danced to the tune of ‘shakira ! shakira !’ and Akansha was a wonder on the dance-floor !!

In the afternoon, we went out for some ‘pandal-hoppings’ ! At one place there were a number of buffaloes crossing the road in groups….perhaps on their way to ‘pandals’ ! …we stepped aside, leaving their way ! “No mess with buffaloes !” Niky warned us! Why cant she stop being our mom !
We were standing on a door-way of a house, waiting for the buffaloes to move. An old man came out of the house. He asked us our names and whereabouts and gave us chocolates !! “Hey! he is like the reformed ‘selfish giant’ !” Anu whispered !
Again at one place, there was a low boundary wall. We decided to climb the wall and jump over it ! We were just about to cross it that Niky’s mom caught us red-handed !

We did a lot of fun ! And ultimately came back home !!

the astrologers!!

Durga Puja being over, school was like once in two weeks ! Students used to be present only on Tuesdays and Fridays ---- the practical-days ! And those few days, we went to school …. We did nothing but chat !
It was one Friday ! We decided to skip practicals !
“………the more lines you have in this position …the more marriages you will go through ! …and these broken lines suggest the number of divorces you will have !!” Niky had recently gathered some knowledge about palmistry and we stretched out our palms , for her to check !!
“You are having two marriages and three divorces ….!” This was for Gujju!
“Hey! ..that’s something impossible , right ?!”
“Your first judgment …….and you proved to be a fake !”
“ aha!..whatever!...look at mine !” Anu was excited !
“ ummm…hey!...the lines are so confusing on your palm! ..ummm….nah!...cant get it!” Niky narrowed her eyes..and was examining hard !
“Oh good! That means Anu is never going to marry...and hence no divorce!...done! now here is mine……” I tugged Anu aside !
“Okay!....wow! Sim ! You have an interesting life gal ! …..numerous marriages and numerous divorce……!!” Niky grinned !
“Oh! thats me ! You know ! The great girl of this world !” I held my collars!
“Now comes Mahi”
“Oh! no ! …bad luck man ! ..one marriage only !” Niky said with round eyes !
I snapped instantly !... “Never possible…….Mahi and one marriage..no way! That single line must be a band spectra…consisting of numerous line spectrum !!”
“yeah! That explains actually!........Mahi ..and one marriage ..is like sun moving round the earth !!” Gujju always exaggerated when it comes to playing pranks !
However Mahi never felt bad ! That was the best part in her ! You could poke her all day …you would get tired but she never became sentimental...and never ever in my life I remember her to get angry with us ! It was one trait in her character we all loved !

Now Mahi was blurting out her knowledge regarding astrology ! She studied every one’s hand, the palm-lines very minutely and declaed ---- “every one of us are going to have love-marriage !” then she took my hand and started examining!
“……look ..here is Jupiter…this is the position of Sun….here Saturn….Mars …Venus..this one is fate line….and this is brain line….now look here these two lines have crossed each other , indicating your great achievement in career though you have to face lots of obstacles as per these broken lines …….this particular inclination makes the effect of sun very strong in your natal chart ! ……”she was pointing here and there and went on telling stuffs !
“Oh Mahi! Stop this rubbish !..Say something exciting !..like Niky did!”Gujju yawned !
Mahi gave a thoughtful look to Gujju and then turned her concentration back to me..
“Let me tell you about your life-partner!” she started with a new enthu !.. “You are going to have your first affair in your college life ..but it wont be a success !”
“of course not ! I wont fall for any successful silly love story …not in my life..please !”I smirked !
“Sim!...come on!..and remember you are going to have a love-marriage only!...so some day or the other you are going to fall in love !...you agree or disagree !” Gujju was a strong supporter of love !
“never!..you love a guy !...and you get hurt only!...just look around and you will find so many examples !” I had a feverish repulsion to any love-sick thing !
“………hey!..and your hubby is going to be a damn handsome man !” Mahi suddenly shouted !
“oh!..his picture is given here as well!” Niky hovered over my hand!
“Ohf ho! No picture you dumbo!...but it can be understood!...you take my word Sim!..he will be very good-looking!” Mahi winced !
“Okay!..in that case, don’t try to run after him ..i warn you !” I never missed a single opportunity to poke Mahi !
“Okay lets come to Gujju!”
“Hey Gujju!..you know…Sagittarius & Taurus are not much compatible !!” We all knew Dev was a Sagi & Gujju was taurus !
“Rubbish!..taurians are too good to be incompatible with anyone !” Gujju protested !
“yup!..we the great taurians !”San added .. “ Aries are the eccentric people…they call them ‘crank’ !”
I protested !
“Hey! Hello! Aries are the most generous of the lot….determined and focused !...we are the best!”
I was an Arian !
“No …Taurus…….no Aries.,…Taurus…….Aries ……..!!”
And we never knew how it ended !

Mahi was very impatient. She was about to tell us about the latest twist in her life ! ….but couldn’t manage to find the exact opportunity….any way she started --- “ I am about to ditch Arun !”
“WHAT!!??” we almost screamed !
“Actually I have thought about it a lot…but you know my phone-friend Akash ….he was my friend for so long….and now I realize he is the one for me!!”
“Are you sure??...you were just so mad about Arun even a few days back!!??”
“Actually, I was trying to force myself away from Akash!...I felt it was wrong …but I feel much more guilty if I don’t tell it to Arun now !!”
“Mahi, you are truly out of control!...you fall in and out so frequently !”
“But I am helpless yaar!...i know I am very fluctuating in love but..i am being honest ..trust me!”
We knew that !...Mahi is not dishonest atleast !
“Tell me..is it right if I don’t tell him about this??..i have thought of writing a letter to him…what do you say??”
“Oh! Yeah!..you should!.....but you are damn strange gal! ..very strange …anyway how is this Akash like??...”
“Oh!..Akash is a cool dude ! …very rich but never brags..you know !.....and he recharges my cell every month ..though I have said not to do it a thousand times !!”
“Wow! So you have a cell-recharging boy-friend !..lucky you!!..but still you are damn strange Mahi….damn !”

school dayz cuming2 an end...

Our test-exam was scheduled to start from11th November ! and our school days were coming to an end !
We shared our messages, thoughts and feelings in each others’ diaries and even T-shirts …wrote our wishes and ‘miss-you’ messages ……..those pranks were played…sweet laughter was shared…..and for the first time in those 12years of our school-life, we loved our ‘stupid’ dress …all the teachers seemed suddenly very dear…and everything we did…we shared…we felt….seemed loving ! …those regular classes were over… those ‘sweet-sour’ interactions were over…….everything was over…but as if it was not…..something stayed back, lingering……we did not share a tear….we did not make our hearts heavy……because---
“Come on!... test-exam abhi baki hai mere dost !”
Our school…our second home…..our friends…..our life…..there was a subtle pain to leave them…..but the tension of the upcoming exams was even greater !
And the days passed fast !

We again gathered together for our test-exam, nearly after two months !
Mahi turned up with her new hairstyle….a small pony-tail. Before she always kept her short hair untied !
“How is life…to be specific love-life???....steady or still dis-balanced ??”
Actually after two long months, you can never expect the same guy to be there, in her life…and this time it was some Anant messing around !
Gujju had a tooth-ache! She couldn’t speak and whenever she made an effort , she was funny !
Niky came with her usual worry--- “hey! I have gone fatter, na?”
Anu was busy revising a Bengali essay which she fancied to be there in the paper ! “ grow up Anu!”
San was as usual late! She came running just three minutes before commencement !
“ best of luck!...all the best!...same to you!....no use...nothing can save this time!......”
And our exams got started !
Higher secondary test-exam was a real pressure ! We got so busy in preparing the papers …we never knew how it started and how it ended in no time !

Final Xam haunting & my 1st quarrell!

Test-exams being over…we had no more school ! I missed school…I missed those ‘adda’….those high-benches……those long-corridors……those corner-tables by the window……..those ‘jhalmuri’ in break-time……..those chit-passing during classes……..those mild scolds……hearty laughters…sad tears…caring hands……….even I missed those haunting teachers from whom we always wanted o get rid of !
And along with all those sentiments …there was a constant fear…a deep tension for the coming H.S exam !..Those three months in home, before H.S were tense, boring and full of confusions ! With no school, no schoolies, life was like hell ! such huge loads of studies….so many books to mug……so many theories to work on….it was hard to keep track !
We rang each other constantly…discussed studies….talked about the on-going depression ! With cell-phone in one hand and books on the other…..time flew …and…gradually…………the day arrived !

Our H.S exam was due to start from 16th March ! However the usual political tantrums played the demon…huge blood-shed in ‘Nandigram’…….the massacre caused, delayed our exams and it started from 18th march ! It was strange ! We felt relieved that there was a few more days to study but the entire mental planning and concentration collapsed with the horrible ‘Nandigram’ issue flashing on the television screen 24X7 !! It was a disaster !

18th march was again a re-union…but this time it was in “ Jonathan Acaedemy”our examination centre !
Within our H.S exam, we had a fifteen days holiday before math exam and within these fifteen days I had this bitter experience which I never expected after two years of strong friendship!.....a quarrel with Gujju !!

The incident was very silly ! Gujju and I had the same math coach. In one such math tution class, I was already there and Gujju was about to come ! She thought I would give her a missed call as an indication when the class would start, which I could not due to low cell-balance ! She called in a common friend’s cell and talked to me when she had a notion that I was being rude to her !
She was angry !
Next day I tried to ease the matter ---
“Hey! Are you angry with me??....look man! I had no balance …and its not that I talked rudely to you ! trust me..”
“You made me cry Sim! When I called you, you were so busy with your other friends that you couldn’t even talk to me properly …..You are selfish you know Sim !...you just care a hang for me !!”
It was enough to make my temper hit hay-fire ! And we both made the matter look worse! The simple matter got much complicated ! A trifle with any one of my five-buddies was the last thing I wanted ever ! I was in tears myself…I could not concentrate and I was sure she felt the same way ! I couldn’t even confide it to Niky to whom I used to pour my heart out ! I was afraid I would screw up my maths exam ! It was frustrating !
However, time heals a lot ! And with time it was all forgiven & forgotten ! My birthday was just after the math exam and on that day she gave me a teddy-bear clock and we hugged and made up for the bad time !