Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Lunch break was fun ! It was some20 minutes break and we had many juniors (the fan – followings) crowding the entrance of the classroom in that 20 minutes !
Mahi & San had the biggest fan–followings…………..small girl…fat girl…tall girl…fair girl…………so many girls from so many different classes…… ‘Hema di is here?.......where is Susan di ?.....have they come?.........’……….
“Hey Mahi, your kids are wailing dear ! ! !.” I pranked.
And you could see Mahi busily attending their demands!
The ‘fans’ were boring………. ‘didi ..please come..its urgent’….as if they have lots to tell you!!........& then… ‘..you know what happened !.surya…that boyfriend of mine was talking strange…….he said….etc etc ……….’every one of them had the same problem….problem regarding their boyfriends……& they regarded us as their ‘problem – solvers’!
Sick man!!
Boyfriends are there ….. So kind of inevitable …problems would be there!!......so why keep those weird boys as your ‘boyfriends’ ! ! ! ! !
We used to stare at them with zombie eyes, nodding from time to time with my friends teasing & shouting at my back!!!!

I had small tiffins ! For me break was the time for jumping and pulling pranks all around!..Two biscuits, ‘sandesh’ & my favourite ‘badamchaki’ were my all–time tiffin ! ………. “Don’t diet in your thin figure” were the weird suggestions!”

San’s tiffin was ‘muri’ (puffed rice) ! Always !.........her food strategy included……no cholesterol , no oil , no fat , no sweet…………….basically nothing!....beauty conscious…..figure conscious….skin conscious……….’A CONSCIOUS LADY’!!

Anu’s best tiffin was ‘luchi’.And you could see her having her grabbing her tiffin right from the 1st period…she could hardly wait !

Niky had a variety in her tiffin…..and with each bite of the food she would ask the same Q over & over…..”I’m getting fatter na?” ! !

Mahi used to be so busy, grabbing others food…….her ‘food – box’ was actually opened after the break!.. “We need to do something when those boring teachers act stupid…..no?..”

Gujju used to run to her old friends in ‘Arts section’ during the break …….no doubt she & most importantly her tiffin were truly missed !!

I don’t know what we exactly talked about but we were always laughing.. ………laughing like crazy!!
I was quite famous for my non–stop laughters & once started, I could never check that!....& there they were always saying………” God..Sim has started again..can someone call an ambulance please!!”

Well, yes ! my name is Simran………they call me Sim !...and this is the story of my journey with the best five friends of mine ---the journey which we never intended to end !
“ but we cant even afford to fail….can we ?” 


Priyaranjan said...

U perhaps don't know me...!
Even I don't!
liked your story .....quite lively and interesting .......... my own story of school life came vividly before my eyes .........

srijita said...

thankuu !! :)